- pressing international matter 迫在眉睫的国际事务
- Like the Associated Press and United Press International. 美国联合通讯社和合众国际社。
- "China Acknowledges 21 Cases of AIDS," United Press International, 28 November 1988; in Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, 28 November 1988, http://www.lexisnexis.com . 11月28日中国卫生官员证实,通过对67,200人的检验已经查明7名中国公民和14名外国人感染艾滋病病毒。
- Yesterday, a reporter at the scene to Press International City, China Alexander Fontana Gardens, Ka City peach Island, Christian Plaza, a new exhibition has been deployed. 随着大量新盘的上市,楼市供应趋向活跃。
- In the United States, information from all over the world is collected by the media via two giant “wire services,” United Press International (UPI) and Associated Press (AP). 在美国,来自全世界的信息都由新闻媒介通过合众国际社和美联社两大通讯社来搜集。
- A statement from the Foreign Ministry says the protests in Tibet are an internal matter. 俄罗斯外交部发表声明说,在西藏的抗议事件是中国的内政问题。
- Lampwick mark is careless (standard careless heart) can export in great quantities, press international market price every kilograms of 73 dollars plan, lampwick of every 667 square metre.. 灯心标草(标准草心)可大量出口;按国际市场价每公斤73美元计;每667平方米灯心...
- Yang said rioting in Tibet was aimed at tarnishing the Games and insisted that the issue was an internal matter in which other nations should not meddle. 随着奥运将至,西藏问题也不能忽视。杨洁篪坚称这是国内事务,其他国家不应干预。
- Bangladesh Press International News Agency 孟加拉国国际新闻社
- United Press International [UPI] 合众国际社
- The Commercial Press International Ltdn. 商务印书馆国际有限公司
- Its aims are to further the sport of microlight aviation, keep flying costs down to a minimum for its members and to represent them in national and international matters relating to our sport. 其目标是促进航空微型飞机的发展,为会员将飞行成本降到最低限度并代表他们参与国内和国际的相关活动。
- They are pressing us to make a quick decision. 他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。
- Instead of pressing forward, they drew back. 他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。
- The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan. 银行催我们偿还贷款。
- Perpetual federation of the five consanguineous tribes on the basis of complete equality and independence in all internal matters of the tribe. 五个血缘亲属部落以在部落的一切内部事务上完全平等和独立为基础,结成永世联盟。
- Recent reports in the press have been hotly denied. 有关方面极力否认新闻界最近的报道。
- Instead of pressing forward, then drew back. 他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。
- Singapore would be declared a state, with an elected Legislative Assembly of 51 members, a prime minister and a cabinet that would have authority over all internal matters. 以选举产生的51席位的立法会和总理为首的内阁有权管理一切国内事务,宣告新加坡将成为一个州。