- Maston courageously menaced them with his steel hook. 梅斯顿勇敢地用他那可怕的铁钩子威胁它们。
- Two roller guided cages of polyamide 6,6 or pressed steel. 双滚子引导的尼龙66或冲压钢保持架。
- A riveted cage of pressed steel, ball centred, no designation suffix. 铆接式冲压钢保持架,滚动体引导,型号无后缀。
- Sides of beef and pork swung from steel hooks. 整片的牛肉和猪肉挂在铁钩上。
- This spring-loaded steel hook snaps open and shut easily, allowing you to rapidly connect restraints to chains, spreader bars, other restraints, etc. 这个弹簧支撑钢勾子短冷期容易地打开和关闭,允许您迅速地连接克制到链子,分布器酒吧、其它克制,等。
- Bearing with large contact angle, intermediate ring between the outer rings and pressed steel cages (fig 9). 带有大接触角度、外圈之间的中隔圈和钢板冲压保持架的轴承(图9)。
- An Australian veterinarian saved the life of this shark by sticking his arm down its throat, all to dislodge a steel hook stuck in the animal's stomach. 一个澳大利亚的兽医用把他的手臂戳进一条鲨鱼的咽喉,在动物的胃中取出了被插在里面的一个钢制的钩子,救了这条鲨鱼的命。
- Bearing with tapered bore, taper 1:12, intermediate ring between the outer rings and pressed steel cages (fig 14). 带有锥度为1:12的圆锥孔、外圈之间的中隔圈和钢板冲压保持架的轴承(图14)。
- With Y-bearing units with pressed steel housing, errors of alignment cannot be corrected once the attachment bolts have been fully tightened. 如果使用带冲压钢轴承座的Y-轴承单元,在安装螺栓完全拧紧后将无法纠正对中误差。
- It is the latest design,using symmetric spherical roller , two pcs of pressed steel cages,flangeless inner ring & guide ring centred on the cage. 国际最新设计,对称球面滚子,两片淬火钢冲压保持架,内圈无挡边和带一个保持架引导的中挡圈。
- Straddle-type single-track beam of Press Steel Concrete (PC) possess the action of bearing, orienting and stabilizing. 跨座式单轨PC(预应力混凝土)轨道梁桥结构具有承重、导向及稳定的作用。
- to grapple a boat to a wharf with a steel hook 用铁锚将船固定在码头上
- Special partitions, for use in toilets etc., are often made of pressed steel, plastics, asbestos cement, tiles or glass. These are normally prefabricated and erected in sections and can be easily removed or re-arranged. 用于盥洗室等处的专用隔墙,通常采用冷弯压制的钢板、塑料板、石棉板、壁砖或玻璃板等构成。它们一般是预制的,分部安装而成,拆装方便。
- Prepared lashing the wire, lashing tools (such as steel hooks and wrenched mouth with a small crowbar) lashing parking. 准备绑扎用的铁丝、绑扎工具(如钢筋钩、带扳口的小撬棍)绑扎架等。
- We are a manufacturer of all kinds of fishing accessories,main products:higncarbon and stainless steel hooks,all kinda of swivels and snaps. 本公司是专一生产经营各种渔具,在渔具界同仁和海内外客商大力支持下,业务纵深发展,以一流的品质,合理的价格,及时的交期,诚信,互惠共同发展。
- Surface hardened pressed steel cage 表面硬化冲压钢保持架
- He locked the door and pressed the bolt home. 他锁上房门,并插好插销。
- He pressed the knob and the lid flew open. 他揿了揿按钮,盖子就猛地弹开了。
- The test results showed that the steel component [C] [Si] [Als] [N] [O] [S] accurate controlling is the key of producing cold rolling pressing steel using BOF-LF-CSP process. 试验结果表明:钢水成分[C]、[Si]、[Als]、[N]、[O]、[S]的精确控制是该工艺生产冷轧冲压用钢的关键;
- He pressed lightly on the handle. 他轻轻按下手柄。