- Can be widely used in the heat treatment of bronzing transfer,press polish etc. 可广泛应用于烫金,压光涂布复合的热处理。
- Surface press polish: the surface of concrete shall be stroke off, press polished and roughcast. 表面压光:混凝土的表面应刮平压光并搓毛。
- Give the table a good rub with this polish. 用这上光剂把桌子好好擦一擦。
- Four years of college gave her considerable polish. 四年的大学教育使她更加完美。
- Recent reports in the press have been hotly denied. 有关方面极力否认新闻界最近的报道。
- Shoot! I forget to take off my nail polish. 糟糕!我忘了擦掉指甲油。
- A hot plate will spoil the polish on this table. 热盘子会毁坏桌面的光泽。
- I had to give a speech to the press club. 我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。
- Would you polish up the article a bit? 你把文章再润色一下好吗?
- You should use wax polish on wooden furniture. 你应在木制家俱上打上蜡。
- They use the press to disseminate right-wing views. 他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。
- Just press the button and the machine will start. 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。
- Can you press my suit before I go out tomorrow? 你能在我明天出门前把我的衣服烫一烫吗?
- The press has given the show a tremendous build-up. 新闻界为这一演出大造声势。
- The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition. 该出版社准备出一本大部头新版本。
- I'll have to polish up my Spanish before I go to Spain this summer. 在我今年夏天到西班牙去之前,我得提高一下西班牙语。
- The Press were not allowed to attend the trial. 新闻界人士不得出庭旁听。
- Lacking social polish; tactless. 不善交际的缺乏社会风度的; 不圆滑的
- The spokesman was bombarded with questions on the press conference. 新闻发布会上那位发言人遭到了连珠炮般的发问。
- The affair was dramatized by the press. 新闻界把事情夸大了。