- Piano lessons help preserve and develop children's natural creative abilities. 钢琴课协助保存和发展儿童的自然创造能力。
- As the pith of Chinese traditional culture heritage, Confucius's learning view is what we should still preserve and develop today. 孔子关于学习的观点作为中国传统文化宝库中的精髓,是我们今天仍需要坚持和发扬光大的。
- Our session has proceeded in a very good atmosphere,and the spread of this democratic atmosphere will help to preserve and develop a political situation marked by stability,unity and liveliness. 我们全会的风气很好,发扬这样的民主风气,就有利于维护和发展安定团结、生动活泼的政治局面。
- While working with complete dedication for the four modernizations, we must, with equal dedication, preserve and develop a political situation marked by stability, unity and liveliness. 一心一意地搞四个现代化建设,必须一心一意地维护和发展安定团结、生动活泼的政治局面。
- To preserve and develop these endangering languages, the author thinks that these ethnics ma have good education of national common spoken language an as to create an environment of equal intercourse with ocher ethnics. 要保留和发展这些濒危语言,笔者认为这些民族必须得到良好的普通话(即国家通用语言)教育,以便创造与各民族进行平等交际的环境。
- Your task is carefully to preserve and develop those labour-exchange teams, co-operatives and other necessary economic organizations that have won mass support and to spread them everywhere. 你们的任务,是在于细心地保存和发展那些为人民群众所拥护的变工队、合作社和其他必要的经济组织,并推广这样的组织于各地。
- This is the best way to preserve and enhance confidence. 这是维持并且提高信心的最佳途径。
- Preserve and foster the connections between users and the Library. 保存和培养读者和图书馆之间的联系。
- He tracked out the course and development of it. 他根据遗迹探索出该事物的进程和发展。
- Comrades at various posts must jointly take responsibility for preserving and developing it. 在各个岗位上工作的同志,一定要共同负起责任,维护、保障和发展这个安定团结的政治局面。
- With no successor, this unique technique is difficult to preserve and pass on. 这种绝活后继无人,很难存延了。
- To conceive and develop in the mind. 构思在脑子里构想并逐步发展
- Scientific preservation and development of culture means injecting vitality into urban development. 银川市市长白雪山感言:科学传承历史文化,就是在增强城市发展的生命力。
- The formation and development of bodily tissues. 组织发生身体组织的形式的发育
- Welcome to cooperate and develop with us! 欢迎广大客户洽谈合作,共同发展。
- Preserved and sealed in a can or jar. 罐装的在罐或坛中保存或封存的
- The Social Welfare preserves and strengthens families. It builds their capacity and develops their resilience to meet challenges of change. 社会福利维护及强化家庭力量,以提高它们抵御逆境的能力。
- Was able to be carried forward and develop. 几乎都在中国的近代史上也得到了传承和发展。
- Salt water used for preserving and pickling foods. 卤水用来保存或腌制食物的盐水