- Conservation and Preservation Technologies 保持与技术保存
- The preservation technology of chicken combining with different concentrations of the nisin and natamycin was studied in this text. 研究了不同浓度的乳酸链球菌素和纳他霉素对鸡肉的防腐保鲜效果。
- Energy saving wall and material: heat preservation split block, lath, light-weight wallboard, exterior wall heat preservation technology and inner buikhead. 节能墙体及材料:保温切块、保温条板、轻质保温墙板、外墙外保温技术、内隔墙。
- External Heat Preservation Technologies and Energy Conservation 外墙保温技术与能源节约
- The meat products cooked in soy sauce are far popular and traditional consumed in China. the quality of the traditional meat products can not be ensured because of the traditional production craft, laggard preservation technology and the sale in bulk. 酱卤肉制品是深受我国消费者喜欢的传统肉制品,但长期以来酱卤制品一直沿用传统的工艺生产,加工保鲜技术落后,且大部分产品仍然以散装方式出售,卫生安全品质难以保证。
- Humidcool technology is a new preservation technology, which provides a high humidity and low temperature environment for precooling and refrigerated transport of fruit and vegetable. 湿冷技术是一项可以提供高湿低温贮藏环境的保鲜新技术。
- The aim of the policy is the preservation of peace. 这一政策旨在维护和平。
- In order to develop our salted and soy preserved vegetables' tradition, some fruits, such as fingered citron, citron and pear ect , are studied and their new preserving technologies are put forward. 为深入挖掘我国古代传统酱腌菜文化遗产,对佛手、香橼、梨子等腌制方法进行了详细研究,提出了对以上3种果品全新的腌制工艺。
- Recent advance of fungi preservation technology 真菌保藏技术研究进展
- preservation technology of archives 保鲜技术档案
- preservation technology during logistic procedures 物流保鲜
- This article introduces the preserving technology for honeydew ginger and Wumei ginger. 为增加腌制生姜的品种,该文介绍了蜜汁生姜、五美姜的腌制方法。
- The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation. 这些画保存的非常好。
- Traditional repair and preventive maintenance services including replacement parts and engineering changes necessary to preserve technology. 提供传统维修和预防性维护服务,包括为保护技术而进行的必要零件更换和工程变动。
- Plagiarists, at least, have the merit of preservation. 抄袭者,起码也有保存文物的功劳。
- Japan is galloping ahead in the race to develop new technologies. 日本在发展新技术的竞争中突飞猛进。
- The environmentalist launched out at great length on energy preservation. 这位环境保护论者就节约能源问题发了一通议论。
- The old building is in good preservation. 那座老式大楼保存完好。
- Research advance in preservation technologies and biological principles for fresh cut fruits 鲜切果品保鲜技术及其生物学原理研究进展
- Antiseptic Preservation Technology Applied in Meat Processing 肉制品加工中的防腐保鲜技术