- It seems plain enough that our present policies aren't working. 平原似乎不够,现行的政策是没有工作。
- Those who persist with the present policies should step aside. 坚持当前政策的那些人应该退居二线。
- To seek a blank cheque to back the present policy. 为支持现有政策谋求行事的全权。
- The article seems to be weighted against the present policy. 这篇文章似乎是旨在反对当前的政策。
- If the present policies are altered,their standard of living will definitely fall. 现行政策只要一改变,人民生活肯定会下降。
- The most important thing is that China's present policies,both domestic and foreign,must not be changed. 问题的关键是中国的现行政策不能变,无论对内还是对外政策都不能变。
- It is an attempt to turn China's present policies in the direction of capitalism. 实际上就是要把我们中国现行的政策引导到走资本主义道路。
- They yearn for the past,because the present policies do not yield much advantage to them. 他们感到现在的一套对他们益处不大,所以对过去很留恋。
- I believe that if we keep to the present policies for several decades,China will develop. 我相信,只要坚持现行政策,搞他几十年,中国会发展起来的。
- So long as the people think the present policies are correct,anyone who wants to change them will be brought down. 如果人民认为现行政策是正确的,谁要改变现行政策,谁就要被打倒。
- They do not see man fully emancipated under their present policy. 他们知道他们现在推行的政策还不能使人民得到彻底解放。
- The first is domestic: our adherence to the present policies of reform and opening to the outside world. 一个是国内条件,就是坚持现行的改革开放政策。
- They yearn for the past, because the present policies do not yield much advantage to them. 他们感到现在的一套对他们益处不大,所以对过去很留恋。
- Manufacturing industry faces a grim future if the government pursues its present policies. 如果政府继续推行现行政策,制造工业就会面临严酷的未来。
- If their present policy is continued, I am afraid that war is inevitable. 如果他们目前的政策持续不变的话,恐怕战争就不可避免了。
- What is this liberalization? It is an attempt to turn China's present policies in the direction of capitalism. 自由化是一种什么东西?实际上就是要把我们中国现行的政策引导到走资本主义道路。
- If the present policies are altered, their standard of living will definitely fall. 现行政策只要一改变,人民生活肯定会下降。
- He was very interested in the Labour Party of England and questioned me intensely about its present policies, soon exhausting all my information. 他对英国的工党很感兴趣,详尽地问我关于工党目前的政策,很快就使我答不上来了。
- The present policy of our Party is still to reduce rents, not to confiscate land. 目前我党方针,仍然是减租而不是没收土地。
- The system of ideas they cling to is, generally speaking, that of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, according to which the present policies of the Central Committee are retrograde and Right opportunist. 他们基本上是林彪、“四人帮”那样一种思想体系,认为中央现在搞的是倒退,是右倾机会主义。