- A fault threshold expressed in terms of the number of faults in a prescribed period of time. 以“在规定的时间间隔内出现的”故障次数来表示的一种故障阀值。
- Failure to come up with an opinion within the prescribed period shall be deemed to be an approval. 逾期不提出审核意见的,视为同意。
- If it fails to appeal or to pay the fine or the confiscated sum at the expiry of the prescribed period. 逾期不提出申诉又不缴纳罚没款的
- If you opt for donating the gown deposit, you should return the gown in good condition during the prescribed period. 如选择将借用毕业学袍的按金捐出,请在指定日期内把完好的学袍交还本校。
- It was getting late, our prescribed period of wakefulness was drawing to a close, and yet the denouement was far off. 那时天已很晚了,我们所给定的睡前时间快要用完了,然而故事的结局却还远得很。
- The successful tenderer fails to submit the performance bond within the prescribed period according to Clause 35 of the Notice. 中标人在规定期限内未能根据按投标人须知第35条规定提交履约保证金。
- Based on the information provided, the Department will require the vehicle to undergo a smoke test at a designated vehicle emission testing centre within a prescribed period. 根据检举员提供的资料,环境保护署会要求车主在指定限期内,将车辆送交指定的车辆废气测试中心接受黑烟排放检测。
- For anyone who fraudulently obtains tax refund for export from the State, the tax authority may suspend its work on the tax refund for export within the prescribed period. 对骗取国家出口退税款的,税务机关可以在规定期间内停止为其办理出口退税。
- If a notice is mailed to a legal address or to an address agreed upon within the prescribed period of time, the notice is deemed to have been dispatched. 在规定期限内将通知按照法定地址或者约定的地址邮寄的,视为已经发出通知。
- If no application for reconsideration is submitted or no suit is filed within the prescribed period, the penalty of revoking the permit shall go into effect. 逾期不申请复议或者不起诉的,吊销许可证的处罚生效;
- If the matter cannot be resolved within the prescribed period, an explanation should be presented to the administrative authority which originally made the assignment. 不能按期办结的,应当向交办机关说明情况。
- Mine pillars and rock pillars to be preserved as specified in the mining designs shall, within the prescribed period of time, be protected and may not be exploited or damaged. 第十四条矿山设计规定保留的矿柱、岩柱,在规定的期限内,应当予以保护,不得开采或者毁坏。
- Where a bill of exchange is not presented for acceptance within the prescribed period, the holder thereof shall lose the right of recourse against his prior parties. 汇票未按照规定期限提示承兑的,持票人丧失对其前手的追索权。
- Article 10 In the process of examining the application materials, the MOFTEC may demand the applicant to provide supplementary materials within a prescribed period of time. 第十条外经贸部在审查申请材料过程中,可以要求申请人按规定的时限提供补充材料。
- Ample training opportunities will be provided by the Government to serving teachers to help them meet the benchmarks within the prescribed period at a cost of $72 million per annum. 政府每年会拨款7,200万元,为在职教师提供足够的受训机会,协助他们在指定期限内达到基准。
- If the installations that have been built discharge more pollutants than are specified by the prescribed discharge standards,such pollution shall be eliminated or controlled within a prescribed period of time. 已经建成的设施,其污染物排放超过规定的排放标准的,限期治理。
- If the reconsideration organ fails to make a reconsideration decision within the prescribed period,the party may bring a suit within 15 days after the expiration of the period for reconsideration. 复议机关逾期不作出复议决定的,当事人可以在复议期满之日起十五日内向人民法院起诉。
- Those outlets already in existence before the promulgation of this Law,where the discharge of pollutants is not in conformity with the state standards,shall be improved within a prescribed period of time. 本法公布前已有的排污口排放污染物不符合国家排放标准的,应当限期治理。
- Where the passenger is unable to board the mode of transportation at the time prescribed on the passenger ticket due to any reason attributable to himself, he shall carry out the formality for ticket refund or reschedule within the prescribed period. 第二百九十五条旅客因自己的原因不能按照客票记载的时间乘坐的,应当在约定的时间内办理退票或者变更手续。
- If a taxpayer fails to carry out procedures for tax registration, amendment or cancellation of registration on schedule, the taxation authority shall issue the taxpayer with notice of a prescribed period rectification order. 纳税人未按照规定的期限申报办理税务登记、变更或者注销登记的,税务机关应当向纳税人发出责令限期改正通知书。