- This period would, of course, be shortened by any preliminary work and thought. 这个期限当然还可以由事先有所准备和有所考虑而得以缩短。
- It can be quite valuable during preliminary work to "stub" a relationship with a class defined for only one end. 在预备工作期间,“根除”同一个仅仅为一个端点定义的类的联系是很有价值的。
- A Preliminary Work on Extraction of Solid Wax and Oxalic Acid from Agave americana L. 从番麻叶渣提取蜡和草酸的初步报告
- Following American grain embargo, preliminary work done on 10-year Food Program. Work on this program was Gorbachev's chief task. 美国禁运粮食,戈尔巴乔夫为国家10年的口粮而奔忙。
- If your time and attention are in great demand, save it for empowering your changes, and let others do the preliminary work. 如果你的时间和精力的确很宝贵,那么让自己只做传递能量的工作,让别人来完成初期工作。
- On the basis of the preliminary work done by our group in 1994, design and structural feature of the new type flameholder are concluded. 在课题组九四年初步工作的基础上,总结 了新型火焰稳定器的设计方案和结构特点。
- The pipelines of carrying out the preliminary work include the product pipelines from Dagang to Jinan to Zaozhuang, Jinzhou to Zhengzhou and Lanzhou to Zhengzhou to Changsha . 目前正在进行项目前期工作的有大港-济南-枣庄、锦州-郑州、兰州-郑州-长沙成品油管道。
- And Sinclair said other preliminary work still being done in the lab shows the wine ingredient has promise in lengthening the life span of normal-sized mice, too. 他还说起他正在进行的实验室研究也显示红酒的某些成分在延长正常尺寸的老鼠的寿命方面也是很有前途的。
- Using USD1,500 from the first small donations, they hired two computer scientists and with a couple of old donated computers, started creating a glossary of Khmer computer terms as preliminary work before starting the translation. 他们用第一笔小额捐款中的1,500美元雇请了两个计算机科学家,加上一些捐助的旧计算机,开始建立库美尔语的计算机术语词典,作为翻译工作开始前的预备工作。
- It is necessary for car manufacturers to implement business process reengineering (BPR),Which is based on build to order (BTO),and to finish in advance the preliminary work such as innovation of management mechanism,the building of information systems. 论述了基于BTO(Build to order)的BPR(Business Process Reengineering)在轿车生产企业中的必要性; 指出了实施BPR前期准备工作如管理体制的改革与企业的信息化的重要性;
- The Yuhua's novel creation preliminary work take unfolds human's evil, the violence and the death as the main description object, its later period creates take exaggerates the misery heavily. 摘要余华小说创作前期作品以展现人的罪恶、暴力和死亡为主要描写对象,其后期创作以渲染苦难为重。
- His painting has shown a new freedom of expression, developed through preliminary works to final canvas. 他的画作传达出一种新的表现自由,从预备作品直到最后的画布。
- Preliminary work organization for the project; 项目建设前期工作组织;
- preliminary work for construction 施工准备
- Outlines the development of Internet at home and abroad, highlights the significance in establishing HVAC databases and searching engines and describes the authors preliminary works in that respect. 简要介绍了互联网在国内外的发展,阐述了建立暖通空调专业数据库和搜索引擎的重要性以及作者的初步工作。
- dull or routine preliminary work preparing for an undertaking. 一项事业的最基本的无趣的工作。
- He got engaged to her when working in Xian. 他是在西安工作时和她订婚的。
- He jibbed at working overtime every day. 他不愿每天都加班加点。
- The basketball players are working out at the gym. 篮球运动员们正在体育馆进行训练。
- The boxers are working out at the gym. 拳击手们正在体育馆里训练。