- Project approval documents or preliminary design approval documents. 批准的立项文件或初步设计批准文件。
- Provisions for die mounting will be specified at the preliminary design review. 在初级设计中应详细说明提供的模具安装说明。
- The numerical results provide references for preliminary design of the tunnel. 计算结果为长江沉管隧道的初步设计提供了参考依据。
- Preliminary Design. The initial selection of member sizes is called "preliminary design". 初步设计。构件尺寸的初步选择叫做"初步设计"。
- We shall have a design collecting (preliminary design, final design) meeting next month. 下个月我们将召开设计数据收集(初步设计、最终设计)会议。
- A solid modelling system CAX-Solid in application to preliminary design of aeronautic vehi- cle is presented. 介绍了一个以航空飞行器初步设计为应用背景的实体造型系统 CAX-Solid.
- The preliminary design data for the k APPA-DX rocket motor is presented in this web page. 初步设计数据的K appa -的DX火箭发动机是在这方面的网页。
- Customer please abides by the preliminary design principles reviewed together by experts from NSRD and Azerbaijan. 请业主对设计院,NSRD及阿方专家共同审定的初步设计原则予以遵守。
- The most important gradation during the three gradations of ship structural design is preliminary design. 本课程为硕士研究生的学位课程。
- Normalization is most useful after you have represented all of the information items and have arrived at a preliminary design. 在表示了所有信息项并完成了初步设计时,规范化过程最有用。
- ITC third-phase project, the preliminary design for the 330-meter high total than double the existing ITC, a new one will be in Beijing either. 国贸三期工程,初步设计总高为330米,比现有的国贸中心高出一倍,建成后将成为北京新的第一摩天大楼。
- The railway bridge project selection CAD system is a large scale software tool of the railway bridge preliminary design . 铁路桥式方案比选CAD系统是应用于铁路桥梁初步设计的大型计算机辅助设计软件。
- The railway bridge project selection CAD system is a large scale computer aided software tool for railway bridge preliminary design. 铁路桥式方案比选CAD系统是应用于铁路桥梁初步设计的大型计算机辅助设计软件。
- MONOCAL is a self-developed CAE software for analyzing semi-monocoque (stiffened shell type) structure in aircraft preliminary design phase. 摘要MONOCAL软件是一个自主开发的、在飞机初步设计阶段对半硬壳式(或桁梁式)结构进行应力分析的CAE软件。
- From preliminary design, prefabrication through to final set-up, all the work is strictly controlled by a carefully pre-set operational system. 从前期设计中期预制直到后期安装,全部工作都按照事前精心设计的操作体系进行严格控制。
- The computed examples are given and the results are valuable for the selection of wing shape at the preliminary design stage. 计算结果表明,方法对初步设计阶段中航天飞机机翼外形的选择,有参考价值。
- The kitchen escapes electric appliance's and so on platoon, microwave oven, refrigerator power switches to the preliminary design. 厨房脱排、微波炉、冰箱等电器的电源开关要预先设计好。
- Next year there will be another narrowly focused "delta" preliminary design review for one pending engineering problem: too much shaking after launch. 明年专家们还将对原始设计方案进行修改以专门解决火箭发射时的振动问题。
- Pursue planning for further infrastructure rapidly via feasibility and preliminary design studies, so that projects may be advanced if shown necessary in subsequent review. 进行可行性及初步设计研究,加速基础设施的规划,以便在检讨机制显示有需要时,可提前开展基础设施工程。
- R.C.Leachman, "Preliminary design and development of a corporate-level production planning system to for the semiconductor industry", ORC Report 86-11, Eng.Syst. 施欣玫,"半导体制造业订单管理与生产计划之演算法",清华大学工业工程研究所硕士论文,民国八十五年。