- prelate nullius 独立教区高级教士
- Do you know the name of that prelate? 你知道那个高级教士的名字吗?
- The office or station of a prelate. 高级教士的职位或身份
- A young lady fall in love with the estimable prelate. 一个年轻女士爱上了这位可尊敬的高级教士。
- The greater portion of Antarctica is still terra nullius. 南极洲的大部分地方不属于任何国家。
- A young lady fell in love with the estimable prelate. 一个年轻女士爱上了这位可尊敬的高级教士。
- The greter portion of Antarctica is still terra nullius. 南极洲的大部分地方不属于任何国家。
- The first nullius can obtain ownership when it is ownerless. 无主物先占人可取得所有权。
- A young ladyfall in love with the estimable prelate. 一个年轻女士爱上了这位可尊敬的高级教士。
- The hymn was over, the prelate had began to deliver his discourse. 赞美诗唱完了,主教开始布道。
- Frankish poet and prelate at the court of Charlemagne. 法兰克诗人和查理曼宫廷的高级教士。
- In charge of each will be a former Anglican prelate. 负责人要是曾经的圣公会高级教士。
- Prelate 2000 +4 bonus to self spell skills (body, mind, spirit). 主教2000+4自我魔法技能。
- What have we to do with this mitred prelate,--with this crowned king? 那女的舌头上夹了根劈开的小棍,她大胆放肆,摇唇鼓舌,反对教会长老,才遭此应得报应。
- Spanish prelate and scholar, last of the Western Fathers of the Church. 西班牙高级教士和学者,最后一位西方教父。
- "You consider, then, the situation of the worthy Prelate as being dangerous? “绰号是叫长胡子威廉,或‘阿登内斯野猪’吗?”
- Let us see therefore what he said of this prelate,and how far he said truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth. 因此让我们来看一看,他谈到有关这个主教的情况,看看在多大程度上他说的都是事实,决无谎言。
- The plump shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate, patron of arts in the middle ages. 他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。
- Irish prelate and scholar who devised a scheme of biblical chronology that placed the Creation in the year4004b.c. 厄舍尔,詹姆斯1581-1656爱尔兰圣分会高级教士,学者,他发明的基督教纪年中神的创造天地是在公元前4004年发生的
- Irish prelate and scholar who devised a scheme of biblical chronology that placed the Creation in the year4004 b.c. 厄舍尔,詹姆斯1581-1656爱尔兰圣分会高级教士,学者,他发明的基督教纪年中神的创造天地是在公元前4004年发生的