- preheat water container 预热水箱
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。
- Can you get me a water container? 帮我找个放水的容器吧。
- Instead of water container in traditional system. 1代替传统的水箱系统。
- Why does the tap water contain a smell of chlorine? 为何送到家里的食水有轻微的氯气味道?
- Samples of the water contained pesticide. 水样中含有杀虫剂。
- Polluted water contains contaminants. 被污染的水中含有放射性污染。
- The water contains high amounts of magnesium. 这水含有大量的镁。
- In no way does it show the amount of heat which the water contains. 它却一点也不能表示出水中所含的热量。
- The skins were used for making tents and water containers. 它们的皮被用来制做帐篷和装水的容器.
- Use a wool or cotton sock as a sleeve to keep your water container cold longer. Or invest in a insulated sleeve available at most camping supply stores. 可以用毛料或者棉质的袜子做外套让水容器保冷更久。也可以用在大部分露营装备店都有的绝缘套。
- On the rocks are an open stove with a yellowish clay teapot, a red lacquered tea saucer, white ceramic teacups, and a water container. 坡石上置有风炉、黄泥茶壶、朱漆茶托、白瓷茶盏、以及水甕等茶器。
- Answer: as the water container a great quantity of bleacher and furring if it stay on the stone surface for long time it will change the color of the countertop affect the beauty. 答:因为水中含有大量的漂白剂和水垢,停留时间过久后,会使台面颜色变浅,影响美观。
- Please wash the dishes with the soapy water containing disinfectant. 请用含消毒剂的肥皂水洗盘子。
- Workers working at height, army style water container with slings (provided by contractor) will be allowed. Plastic bottle or plastic bags not allowed on site. 高空作业的工人,将被允许吊索(承包商提供)吊军用型装水容器。现场不允许塑料瓶和塑料袋
- Sea water contains salt. 海水含有盐分。
- The combined metal components of this product contacted by potable water contain less than one half of one percent (0.5%) of lead by weight. 这种产品中接触饮用水的合成金属部件的含铅量低于0.;5%25总重量。
- Full automatic electrothermal boiling water container produced by our factory is the best product in all kinds of drinking water machines, which is made by stainless steel. 本厂生产的全自动电热开水器是各种饮水设备中最佳产品,采用全不锈钢构造。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Conserve water - take showers rather than baths, and use a refillable water container, sterilising water when necessary, rather than buying bottled water. 节约用水,采用淋浴而不是盆浴,尽量不买瓶装水。