- You are advised not to smoke during pregnancy. 怀孕期间你最好不要吸烟。
- pregnancy vertigo 子眩(妊娠眩晕)
- The prognosis depends on the source of the vertigo. 对于病情的预判要视形成眩晕的原因而定。
- The breasts swell during pregnancy. 怀孕期乳房发胀.
- Dr: Have you had dizziness and vertigo? 你发生过头晕眼花吗?
- Only their vertigo was left with him. 他感到的只是头晕目眩。
- The doctor had to abort the pregnancy. 医生只得给孕妇堕胎。
- I will to you talk about " vertigo " problem. 我来给你谈谈关于“眩晕症”的问题。
- She miscarried in the third month of her pregnancy. 她怀孕的第三个月就流产了。
- Do you have any vertigo, dizziness etc? 您有头晕、头昏等症状吗?
- Terminating pregnancy is illegal in this country. 堕胎在这个国家是违法的。
- Introduce the definition of Vertigo by questioning. 以提问方式引出眩晕概念;
- Melancholy waltz and languid vertigo! 忧郁的华尔兹、疲倦的晕旋!
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). 良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)。
- Avoid exposure to persons in early pregnancy. 避免妊娠初期的辐射接触。
- Earthworms have been used in testing pregnancy. 蚯蚓被用于妊娠反应试验。
- She is in the seventh month of her pregnancy. 她怀孕七个月了。
- Some women experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy. 有些妇女在怀孕的头三个月里,早上有恶心感。
- Smoking during pregnancy can endanger the baby. 妇女怀孕期间吸烟会损害婴儿的健康。
- The first trimester of pregnancy. 妊娠的头三个月