- preductal coarctation of aorta 导管前型主动脉缩窄症
- preductal type coarctation of aorta 导管前型主动脉缩窄
- The most common cause of hypertension was coarctation of aorta in infants and systemic lupus nephritis in adolescents. 续发性高血压之原因在幼儿主发为主动脉,而在青少年大多为红斑性狼疮。
- What causes coarctation of the aorta? 什么引起了主动脉缩窄?
- How is coarctation of the aorta diagnosed? 怎样作出主动脉缩窄的诊断?
- resection of coarctation of aorta with anastomosis 主动脉缩窄切除吻合术
- Optimal operative age for coarctation of aorta 主动脉缩窄手术与年龄的探讨
- Surgery treatment of severe coarctation of aorta 重症主动脉缩窄的外科治疗
- correction of coarctation of aorta 主动脉缩窄矫形术
- postductal type coarctation of aorta 导管后型主动脉缩窄
- Hopkins' occluding clamp for coarctation of aorta 霍普金斯(氏)扩动脉狭窄闭合钳
- occluding clamp for coarctation of aorta 主动脉狭窄手术用闭合钳
- infantile type coarctation of aorta 婴儿型主动脉缩窄
- resection of coarctation of aorta 主动脉缩窄切除术
- resection of coarctation of aorta and anastomosis 主动脉缩窄切除吻合术
- clamp for coarctation of aorta, occluding 主动脉狭窄手术用闭合钳
- coarctation of aorta, adult type 成人型主动脉缩窄
- coarctation of aorta, infantile type 婴儿型主动脉缩窄
- Surgical treatment for coarctation of aorta in children 小儿主动脉缩窄的外科治疗
- Clinical Feature and Repair of Coarctation of Aorta in Adults 成人主动脉缩窄的临床特点和外科矫正