- Being of the color black, producing or reflecting comparatively little light and having no predominant hue. 黑的黑色的,产生或反射极少光的,没有突出色彩的
- "Being of the color black, producing or reflecting comparatively little light and having no predominant hue." 黑色的,产生或反射极少光的,没有突出色彩的。
- Being of the color black,producing or reflecting comparatively little light and having no predominant hue 黑色的,产生或反射极少光的,没有突出色彩的
- Her predominant characteristic is honesty. 她最为突出的特点是诚实。
- The predominant influence of one state over others. 统治权一国对于他国之支配权力
- The pottery is blue with a greenish hue. 这种瓷器蓝中带绿。
- This puts a different hue on the matter. 这么一来,事情的性质就不一样了。
- Green was the predominant color in the forest. 绿色是森林的主色调。
- The diamond shone with every hue under the sun. 这颗钻石在阳光下显得色彩斑斓。
- predominant hue 主色相
- A pigment or dye imparting this hue. 蓝色染料,蓝色颜料加上这种色彩的色素或颜料
- A member of the predominant ethnic group of Iran. 法尔西人伊朗主要种族的一员
- His speech has an aggressive hue. 他的谈话中有挑衅的意味。
- A terrific hue and cry was raised against the new tax proposals. 人们大声疾呼抗议新的税收计划。
- Which country is the predominant member of the alliance? 哪个国家在联盟中居于支配地位?
- Bright red was the predominant colour in the room. 鲜红色是这房间的主要色调。
- Her normally rosy face took on a deeper hue. 她平常玫瑰色的脸上呈现出更深的色彩。
- Which do you think is the predominant partner? 你看他们俩之中谁占支配地位?
- The water and the sky are of one hue. 水天一色。
- His coat it was all of the greenwood hue. 他的上衣完全是绿林的颜色。