- The luni-solar precession, derived from the general precession in longitude, is one of the important parameters in astronomy. 由岁差常数求得的日月岁差是天文学的重要参数之一,它和地球动力学扁率相联系。
- In order to improve the amplitudes of the rigid Earth nutation series, it become necessary to revise the IAU 1976 value of the general precession in longitude. 非刚体地球章动的转换函数中所采用的简正模频率和常数都直接或间接地依赖 地球动力学扁率值。
- general precession in longitude 黄经总岁差
- precession in longitude 黄经岁差
- The difference in longitude between two positions as a result of a movement to the west. 经度差因为向西的运动而产生的两个位置之间的经度上的差别
- The difference in longitude between two positions as a result of movement to the east. 东距两地间经度差,指向东移动的距离
- As two clocks precess in phase, problems may occur at only one phase relationship. 两个时钟产生相位,问题也许就出现在相位关系上。
- The planet Jupiter is at 21 degrees Gemini, which is 81 degrees in longitude from "0" the square of 9. 木星是在双子座的21度,那是黄经81度,来自从0度开始的9的平方。
- In each of our ensembles, the 10 billion or so excited electrons have a range of velocities and therefore precess in a variety of ways. 在我们每一个样品中,大约含有100亿个激发态电子,由于速度并不一致,进动方式也各有不同。
- One hour of Time equals 15 degrees in longitude, and for one hour of Time, we use one cent of Price. 1小时等于15度,每一小时的时间,我们应用于价格的1美分。
- But in darkly, they then my emollient walking stick, is to give me the courage, prop up the dot to my confidence, encourage me to grope for the road of the precession in darkly. 可是在黑暗中,他们则是我有力的拐杖,是给我勇气,给我信心的支撑点,激励着我在黑暗中摸索前进的道路。
- Whereafter, with the case of the design for Nanhai kindergarten, the article explores the design precess in which the phenomenology was used as direction. 在此基础上以南海实验幼儿园设计投标方案为例,具体阐述在设计实践过程中以现象学为指引的过程,总结其中的启发和思考。
- The boundary's meanders are spaced roughly every 45 degrees in longitude, with long cracks extending from some toward the equator into largely uncratered provinces. 整个区域在南纬55度左右有一道曲折连续的极地边界,由呈同心圆分布的山峰与河谷构成,这条边界大致每45度经度就会被狭长的裂缝切开,这些裂缝则延伸到没有陨石坑的赤道附近。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。