- precancerous pathogenesis 癌前病变
- This is the pathogenesis common to all symptoms. 这便是诸多症状共同的发病机理。
- The pathogenesis is discussed in detail. 对神经纤维瘤病的发病机理做了较详细的讨论。
- We discuss the pathogenesis of herpetic uveitis. 我们初步探讨了单疱性前葡萄膜炎的发病机理。
- CINC may be involved in the pathogenesis of PALI. 大鼠肺组织内CINC参与胰腺炎肺损伤过程。
- The TCM pathogenesis of CKD is complicated. 本病的中医发病机制复杂。
- EBV may be involved in pathogenesis of ALC TCL. ALC-TCL的发病与EBV感染的关系较为密切
- A study on magnesium and migraine pathogenesis. :镁;偏头痛;发病机制;治疗;潘南金
- The pathogenesis of PHG remains unclear. 目前PHG的发病机制尚未完全清楚。
- Active treatment for precancerous lesion of the gastric-remnant. 术后对残胃的癌前状态积极治疗。
- The pathogenesis of bluetongue is inadequately understood. 人们对蓝舌病的发病机制还不完全了解。
- The pathogenesis is obscure and the therapy is difficult. 其致病机转尚无定论,而各种治疗仍不能确实有效。
- TCT is more propitious to screen cervical cancer and precancerous lesion. 宫颈细胞学筛查是子宫颈癌及癌前病变早期诊断的重要手段 ,TCT独特的取材与制片方法 ,更有利于宫颈阳性病变的检出 ;
- Intramucosal Cyst of the stomach: a newly recognized precancerous lesion? 胃粘膜内囊肿:一种新认识的癌前病变?
- The methods of opera-tion and pathogenesis were discussed. 文中对手术方法及后囊混浊的发生机理进行了讨论,认为后囊混浊与手术方法有密切关系。
- The pathogenesis and the criteria of diagnosis were discussed. 对本病发病机理、诊断标准等作了一般综述。
- CD4+T cell may the key role in the pathogenesis of ACD reaction. ACD反应CD4+T细胞的主要参与。
- Role of ECP,IL-4 and IL-5 in the pathogenesis of RSV bronchiolitis. ECP和IL-4、IL-5与RSV毛细支气管炎发病机制相关性研究
- The role of NGF in pathogenesis of DNP has been noted recently. 近来人们比较关注NGF在DNP发病机制中的作用。
- Serum Npt may play an important role in pathogenesis of psoriasis. 血清Npt可能在银屑病的发病机制中起着重要作用,并与疾病的活动和严重程度密切相关。