- A proportion of the pre tax profit is set aside for contingency. 为预防万一,应留出部分税前利润。
- On Difference of Income Tax Accounting between China and the U.S.A. 中美所得税会计几点差异的研究。
- It must be pointed out that the net income shown in the income statement is an accounting profit,not cash flow. 这里要特别指出的是,损益表呈现的是公司的“会计损益”,而不是“现金收支”,例如巴士公司售出车资卡收进的现金并非营业收入,而是“预收收入”,属于流动负债,因此表现于资产负债表中的负债,而非损益表中的收入。
- It must be pointed out that the net income shown in the income statement is an accounting profit, not cash flow. 这里要特别指出的是,损益表呈现的是公司的“会计损益”,而不是“现金收支”,例如巴士公司售出车资卡收进的现金并非营业收入,而是“预收收入”,属于流动负债,因此表现于资产负债表中的负债,而非损益表中的收入。
- Operationally, this means managing the business to generate cash rather than accounting profit. 从运营上来讲,管理企业就是产生现金而不是账面利润。
- There are two kinds of indexes, viz. accounting profit and market value, to evaluate the performance of management motivation of listed corporations. 摘要反映上市公司管理层的经营业绩可归类分为两类业绩指标,即会计利润指标和市场价值指标。
- It mainly includes tax accounting, debt cleaning accounting, insurance paying accounting, price accounting etc. . 法务会计的内容主要包括:企业税务会计、债权债务理算会计、保险赔偿理算会计、司法会计、社会福利保障会计、物价会计、海损理算会计等。
- At least 2 years work experience on taxation affairs, good familiarity with tax accounting and Chinese Taxation Policy. 熟悉税务会计,国家税务法规和办税业务,在税务方面至少有2年经验;
- However, tax accounting has untested theory of tax accounting reporting at present, that may affect disclosure of tax accounting. 但是税务会计目前尚未形成成熟的税务会计报告理论,这将会影响税务会计的信息披露。
- Smyth said the shift would be expensive and added that 'there are some issues that still need to be worked out,' particularly in the realm of tax accounting. 她说,短期而言,这种转变会造成昂贵费用,而且也有一些问题亟待解决,尤其是在税务会计领域。
- According to accountants in China, profit=gross income-gross cost.Yet, to economists, accounting profit overvalues profit. 对执行中国会计准则的会计师而言:利润=总收入-总成本,然而对经济学家而言,这一结果高估了利润。
- New income tax accounting standards in the many new ideas, new developments in accounting practices, but also closer to the modern socio-economic development. 新准则所得税会计出现的许多新观点,是会计实务的新发展,也更加贴近了现代社会经济发展的要求。
- On this basis work, the paper analyses the process of adjusting net accounting profit to operating cash flow and suggests the adjusted FCF model computing from operating cash flow. 在此基础上,结合将净利润调节为经营活动的现金流量的过程,提出了以经营现金流量为计算出发点的修正自由现金流量模型,并给出计算实例。
- In the short term, even the best financial accounting profit enterprises will have greater volatility, in descending cycle accounting profit growth will fall sharply, or even negative growth. 在短期内,即使是优秀金融企业的会计利润也会有较大的波动,在下行周期里会计利润增速会出现大幅回落,甚至负增长。
- For example, tax accounting encompa es the preparation of tax retur and the co ideration of the tax co equences of proposed busine tra actio or alternative courses of action. 政府和非营利性会计是专门记录和报告各种类型的政府组织和其他非营利性组织的运作情况。
- Tax accounting and planning II. 税务会计与纳税筹划2。
- The introduction of a new tax accounted in no small measure for the downfall of the government. 这届政府的垮台在很大程度上归因于征收一种新税。
- As a branch of financial accounting, accounting for income tax is different frow income tax accounting and it deals with the difference between accounting income and taxable income. 所得税会计是财务会计的一个分支;它不同于税务会计.;会计所得和纳税所得之间的差异是所得税会计的处理对象
- Accounting profits and economic profits are relat ed and different from each other. 会计利润和经济利润是一对既有联系又有区别的概念。
- Corporations are subject to a separate federal income tax. The tax accounts for about 8 percent of all federal revenues. 公司要缴纳单独的联邦所得税,公司税收入约占整个联邦收入的8%25。