- The technology for construction of steel tubular pile caps is described in the. 文章主要介绍钢管桩桩帽的施工工艺。
- The pre stressed anchoring piles aere used to controll large-scale landslides and creat flats to build. 本文论述了预应力锚拉桩在库区大型滑坡防治中的应用成果 ,这种方法不仅能有效地控制滑坡体的稳定性 ,同时 ,也能根据移民工程要求提供适宜的建设用地 ;
- The acceptance test results showed that the construction of pre stressed anchorage cable of permanent ship lock meets the requirements of design. 验收试验成果表明,永久船闸预应力锚索的施工符合设计要求。
- The concrete spiral case of the GHS is reinforced with the pre stressed anchorage cable, which is the first case in China. 高坝洲水电站混凝土蜗壳采用预应力锚索加固,这在国内尚属首例,其预应力锚索包括水平环向锚索和垂直竖向锚索。
- Due to the high water head of the GHS, the design unit put forward a suggestion of using the pre stressed reinforced concrete spiral case. 高坝洲水电站由于设计水头较高,设计单位建议采用预应力钢筋混凝土蜗壳。
- In three desilting tunnels of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project, over 70% tunnel wall were lined with non cohesive pre stressed concrete by the post tensioning method. 小浪底水利枢纽工程的3条排沙洞,洞身70%25以上采用后张法无粘结预应力混凝土衬砌。
- Load transfer mechanism of tubular pile is not expatiated completely because of the complex mechonism of soil core, which restricts the development of the theory for the bearing capacity of pile and its practiceal application. 筒桩具有与一般的灌注或沉管实心桩不同的荷载传递机理,筒桩的荷载传递机理的复杂性制约了筒桩承载理论的发展与工程应用,其工程设计方法至今仍处于半理论半经验的状态。
- Abstract: In order to satisfy the requirements of both ultimate limit state and servicing limit state unbonded partially pre stressed concrete flexural members must be reasonably designed. 摘 要: 为满足承载能力极限状态及正常使用极限状态的要求,必须对无粘结部分预应力混凝土受弯构件进行合理设计。
- In combination with practical project example, the engineering quality, cost of manufacture, schedule and application scope etc of the precast tubular pile were systematically introduced. 结合工程实例,对预制管桩的工程质量、造价、进度、适用范围进行了系统的介绍。
- This tensioning machine consists of tensioning jack , high pressure pump station , tensioning device , moving and lifting parts , and is a necessary equipment for production of tubular pile. 该张拉机由张拉千斤顶、高压泵站、张拉装置、移动和升降部分组成,是管桩生产的必备设备。
- When installing steel tubular piles in regions where granite is shallowly overburdened, the piles are easy to deviate and the pile tip is easy to warp, resulting in slow driving. 摘要在浅覆盖层花岗岩地区进行钢管桩施工,存在易偏位、桩尖易卷口和进度慢等技术难题。
- continuous pre stressed reinforced concrete beam 预应力混凝土连续梁
- pre stressed lauice shell structure 预应力网壳结构
- prestressed reinforced concrete tubular pile 预应力管桩
- thin-wall cast-in-situ tubular pile 传递函数
- static pre-stressed concrete tubular pile 静压预应力混凝土管桩
- large diameter prestressed concrete tubular pile 大管桩
- drilling with compressive pre stress 预压应力钻削
- tubular pile with prestressing force 预应力管桩
- super-long pre-stressed tubular pile 超长预应力管桩