- Ge are Shang and Zhou culture, two kinds of style, ornamentation to Jomon-based. 鬲有商、周文化两种风格,纹饰以绳纹为主。
- The double-mouth cult strongly influenced Shang and Zhou cultures. 此种崇拜滥觞于中原夏人巫现文化,且影响商周信仰的发展。
- The patriarch system linked by blood lineage and the cultural innovation of propriety and rig hteousness system were the primary manifestation of the humanism of the Western Zhou culture. 以血缘为纽带的宗法制、“制礼作乐”的文化创新,彰显西周文化的人本特质。
- On the Humanistic Spirit of West Zhou Culture 论西周文化的人学思想
- Remains of the Predynasty Zhou Culture at fengxi 沣西的先周文化遗存
- As expected, Pres Chou's fans gave raving reviews to the new song. 即便如此周董歌迷依然给予高度好评。
- I asked Xiao Zhou to get in touch with them. 我让小周去和他们取得联系。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- Premier Zhou is a distinguished politician. 周总理是一位卓越的政治家。
- As for the news regarding Patty and Jay feeding each other during the party, Pres Chou denied and assured that no such thing occured. 至于媒体提到他在庆生会上曾和侯佩岑演出互喂食物的甜蜜举动,周董坚决否认,保证没这回事儿。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- Pres Chou said that the Doraemon guitar in the MV is actually a gift from NQMM's Zhang Jie a while ago and that he did expect it to become useful in the MV. 周董说MV里背著的小叮当吉它,是南拳妈妈的张杰在很久前送的,没想到现在刚好派上用场。
- China's Sinanet reported on Pres Chou's secret trip to Shangrila in Yun Nan where he was filming for a commercial for the label's winter and fall collection. 大陆新浪网昨天报导周董日前秘密远赴云南香格里拉拍摄代言服饰秋冬广告,周董身穿代言服饰,依旧不改酷样。
- As for Pres Chou, he looks cooler with a pair of small eyes, doesn't like to laugh, has a bit of a beard with a beat up roamer look, and usually wins with his music. 至于周董,样貌比较酷,一对单眼皮的咪咪眼,不太喜欢笑,最近还留了一点胡渣,走的是颓废浪子路线,而且通常以音乐取胜。
- Ang Lee kept praising Jay Chou.He thinks that Pres Chou is a very polite person.But Ang Lee also expressed that he has passed the age to listen to Pres Chou's songs. 李安对周杰伦赞赏有加,认为周董是一个非常有礼貌的人,不过李安也表示,自己已经过了听周董歌的年纪了。
- Cook the pie for 20 minutes in a pre heated oven. 在经过预热的烤箱里烘烤馅饼20分钟.
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。
- Climatic Aridity and the Relocations of the Zhou Culture in the Southern Loess Plateau of China 旅游与环境学院黄土高原南部的气候干旱化和周文化的迁移
- The pre - christmas period be always very busy . 圣诞节前这一段时间总是很繁忙的。
- Greek culture penetrated Persia through the medium of the Syrians. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。