- YUE QING SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY SOCIETY ,proposed and assisted by the Yue Qing municipality ,established in April 30 ,2003 . 乐清市船舶工业行业协会在乐清市人民政府的积极倡导和大力支持下,于2003年4月30日正式挂牌成立。
- The theories of post-modernism course regard"humanities rationality" as the basic spirit,which transcends "technique rationality" in the industry society. 后现代课程理论以“人文合理性”为基本立足点,实现了对工业社会“技术合理性”的超越。
- During the process of reformation from the agricultural society to the industry society and the information society, the medium will display enormous influence to our society. 摘要在我国,由农业社会向工业社会、信息社会同步转型的现代化进程中,传播媒介将对社会各个方面发挥极大的影响。
- Nowadays we are faced mith a transition from industry society to information one featuring knowledge and technology as the leading factors in the economic activities. 人们一致认为,人类社会经济发展正从工业社会过渡到信息社会,人的知识和技术将成为经济活动的主导因素,人力资源作为最主要的生产力构成要素必然是要发挥其决定性作用。
- The century ended with his final struggle and defeat by an industrial society. 这一世纪是以他的最后斗争并被工业社会所击败而结束的。
- They used the "junk" of industrial society as material for sculpture. 他们用工业社会的“废物”作雕塑材料。
- In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex . 在高度发达的工业化社会里,这个问题会更复杂。
- YuLi Electric Appliances Group Co.Is an important key enterprise of National Light Industry Society and Zhejiang province and the biggest productive base of range hoods at present in the country. 玉立电器集团公司,是国家轻工总会和浙江省重点骨干企业,内目前最大的吸油烟机生产基地。
- At the beginning of understanding the information society, people had expeienced the recognition process from "post industrial society" to "information industry". 摘要在对信息社会认识的初期,人们经历了“后工业社会”和“信息产业”这样的认识过程。
- Nuclear power can provide high-powered energy for our ever-growing industrial society as long as it's well managed. 只要能妥善管理,原子能可以为我们日益发展的工业社会提供巨大的能量。
- The nineteenth century America was an industrial society as well as a patriarchal society. 十九世纪的美国处于工业社会,同时又是父权制社会。
- Modern, industrial society, slowly germinating in the shadow of medievalism, burst the bonds of feudalism. 现代工业社会缓慢地在中世纪精神的阴影下孕育成长着,终于挣脱了封建制度的枷锁。
- We are in the process of transforming from an industrial society to a service and information society. 我们正处在一个由工业化社会向服务与信息社会转轨的过程中。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
- Modern age refers to the human society developing times after industrial society formed. 现代是工业社会基本形成以后的人类社会发展时代。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Social elements: Rockefeller grew under the American industrial society and the government influence. 促使洛克菲勒成功的因素包括以下几方面:社会因素:洛克菲勒的成长离不开美国工业社会的大背景以及政府政策的影响。
- Meantime, it is a process of study and heckle from the angle of modem industrial society. 同时也是从现代信息社会的角度对欧洲古典油画材料技法进行一个学习和梳理的过程。
- Industry is reviving after the recession. 经济衰退后,工业正在复兴。
- Gaskell depicts readers the women's living circumstances in an industrial society of the 19th century. 盖氏借助这些形象个体为我们展现出19世纪工业社会女性的生存境遇。