- Lamas wrap the prayer wheel full with scriptures. 僧人们在筒里面裹满经书。
- Therefore, Gongjue living Buddha is going to make a prayer wheel here. 因此贡觉活佛要在这里做一个转经筒。
- The sky overhead is an eight-spoked prayer wheel and the ground below an eight-petalled lotus. 天如八幅轮,地如八瓣莲,吉祥无比。
- Holding a baby while turning the prayer wheel, hoping that the traditions of Lamaism will never fade. 怀抱稚子,手转经轮,希望喇嘛教的传承永远不坠。
- The light that comes from the prayer wheel then purifies the negative karma of the living beings it touches. 从转经轮放射出来的光,净除它所碰触到的有情的恶业。
- And when they walk around, they constantly turn the prayer wheel and recite om mani padme hung. 当他们四处走动的时候,也继续转动著转经轮,持诵嗡嘛呢呗咩吽。
- Just touching and turning a prayer wheel brings incredible purification and accumulates unbelievable merit. 仅仅碰触或转动转经轮,能带来不可思议的净化,并累积难以置信的功德。
- In Tibet, and generally wherever there are the Mahayana teachings of Vajrayana, the practice of the prayer wheel has spread. 在西藏,通常只要有大乘金刚乘教法流传的地方,就流传著转经轮法门。
- Two years ago, I asked Jim McCann to build a prayer wheel here at Land of Medicine Buddha, not only for people to do the practice, but also to bless the land. 两年前,我请金麦肯在这个药师佛净土中心建造转经轮,不仅仅是为了让人们能够如此修持,也加持土地。
- I mentioned the idea of building it in the ocean near Taiwan, but he thought to build it in Hawaii where the water of the Pacific Ocean would touch the prayer wheel and bring great benefit. 我提到在台湾附近的海域建造水转经轮的构想,但他想建在夏威夷,在那里太平洋的水能碰触到转经轮而带来很大的利益。
- Hand-held prayer wheels are spun clockwise with one hand using a hula-hoop motion with the wrist and forearm. 手提式转经轮通常是按顺时钟方向而转旋转的力量大都来自于前臂及手腕。
- The prayer wheel is initially formed, 转经筒也都初步成型
- It is also mentioned that prayer wheels stop harms from spirits and other beings and also stop disease, so one idea I have is use them for healing . 教法中也提及转经轮能阻挡非人及其它有情的伤害,也能息止疾病,因此我想到可以将转经轮用于治疗。
- Inside and outside famous monasteries such as the Jokhang are crowds of worshipers either prostrating in prayer,turning their prayer wheels or bowing to Buddhist statues. 在大昭寺等一些著名的寺院内外,挤满了磕长头、转法轮、朝佛的信教群众。
- Inside and outside famous monasteries such as the Jokhang are crowds of worshipers either prostrating in prayer, turning their prayer wheels or bowing to Buddhist statues. 在大昭寺等一些著名的寺院内外,挤满了磕长头、转法轮、朝佛的信教群众。
- Everyone in church knelt in prayer. 教堂里每个人都跪着祈祷。
- If I fall asleep at the wheel wake me up. 如果我开车时睡着了,就叫醒我。
- Religious people have the freedom to make pilgrimages to temples and monasteries,and holy mountains and lakes,including circumambulation around holy mountains and spinning prayer wheels. 信徒们可以自由地去寺庙、神山、神湖朝拜,转山、转经。
- My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race. 我的车轮子在汽车比赛中途脱掉了。
- His father is a big wheel in the government. 他的父亲是政府里的要人。