- The Practice of Social Work II. 社会工作实务2。
- Possibly the same is true of social work? 社会福利工作可能也是这样的吧?
- The Application of "Strong Value Involvement" in the Research and Practice of Social Work--To understand the critical-hermeneutics theory by Habermas "强价值介入"在社会工作研究和实务中的运用--对哈贝马斯的批判诠释学的初浅理解
- Exceeding the Discrimination: The Use of Anti-Discriminatory Practice of Social Work In Mental Health on Movable Children 社会工作反歧视视角在流动儿童心理健康中的运用
- practice of social work 实务
- As the purposes of social work are achieved through practice, mastery of the expected practice competency is essential. 由于社会工作的目的是透过实践而达到,掌握工作的能力变得非常重要。
- Research, practice and reflection of social work in indigenous Chinese context II. 本土中国社会工作的研究、实践与反思2。
- Babbie, Earl R.(1998). The Practice of Social Research, 8th ed. 李美华等(译)。社会科学研究方法上。台北:时英。
- Babbie, E.(1998)The practice of social research, 8th ed. 李华美等译。社会科学研究方法(上、下两册)。台北:时英出版社。
- Babbie, Earl (2004) The Practice of Social Research. 10th edition. 陈文俊译(2005)社会科学研究方法,第十版。台北:双叶书廊。
- This essay will make efforts to identify the differences in terms of social work theory, practice and research among positivism and social constructionism. 本论文旨在厘清实证主义与社会建构主义在社会工作理论、实践与研究三个层面的主要分野。
- Encyclopaedia Of Social Work And Community Organisation (set Of 4 Vols. 社会工作与社区组织百科全书(4卷集)
- The founder of Hull House, she became the secular saint of social work. 船体内部的创始人,她成了圣世俗社会工作。
- In China the study of social work is a newly emer ging academic discipline. 在我国,社会工作学是一门正在兴起并着手建设的新学科。
- The techniques and practice of a midwife. 助产学,产科学助产士的技术及工作
- The theory or practice of inducing hypnosis. 催眠术引导睡眠的理论及实践
- Satisfactory completion of the course will lead to the award of the Diploma of Social Work. 合格完成此课程者将获得社会福利工作文凭。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- The art or practice of preparing food. 烹饪烹制食物的艺术或操作
- Naturalization of the study of social work is a significant component of the naturalization of social work in China. 摘要社会工作研究的本土化是社会工作本土化的重要组成部分。