- Some current practical issues are examined, and recent VAT publications commented upon. 另外,探讨有关资产、坏帐等议题的最新发展。
- Consulting with Islamic scholars on the practical issues faced by Muslims when selecting food products. 咨询伊斯兰学者有关穆斯林在选择食品中所面临的实际问题;
- By concluding the practical issues,the counter-measures to the meteorological archival management are present. 通过总结广西气象档案工作的现状及存在的问题,提出气象档案管理工作的发展对策。
- This dissertation analyzes the theoretical and practical issues of Chinese seapower. 本文研究中国海权的理论与实践问题。
- The workshop included a number of presentations on the above topics and plenary discussions of the practical issues raised. 工作坊包括以上题目的专题演讲和由全体代表参与的实务性讨论。
- Schemes that combine RCS-915AS,RCS-918A and BP-2B are also presented,and some practical issues in the design process are also discussed. 选用RCS-915AS+RCS-918A与BP-2B型保护相配合的配置方案,并详细探讨了设计过程中,具有实用价值的注意事项。
- But in virtue of the theoretical study of Dworkin, and integrate his attention to reality, we can still benefit when we consider the practical issues. 不过通过对德沃金理论的研究,并结合他强烈关照现实的精神,仍然可以对我们思考现实问题有所裨益。
- My aim is to discuss a few features of constructive postmodernism as they relate to practical issues in China's development. 我的目标是讨论建构后现代主义与中国发展的实际问题相关的那些特征。
- The unity that the Party demands is an ideological unity on all questions concerning the Party's basic principles,and unity of action on all practical issues. 党所要求的一致,是在党的一切基本原则问题上的思想一致和一切实际问题上的行动一致。
- The HKMA will continue to collaborate with its supervisory counterparts through the exchange of views and experience on relevant practical issues in the implementation process. 金管局会继续与有关监管机构合作,就实施过程中的实际问题交换意见及交流经验。
- A final year project is a requisite for each student. It integrates the knowledge acquired by students in earlier years of study and applies to practical issues. 学生须于最后一年修读电脑习作,将历年来所学之知识应用于实际环境内。
- Significant events take place early on in October, which resolve many of the practical issues you have been busily involved with over the last month or so. 重要的事件会在十月初发生,这将解决掉很多你过去一个多月里一直繁忙处理的实际问题。
- They also met with CFIA officials and Alberta provincial regulators to discuss, and compare, practical issues encountered in the regulation and supervision of the meat industry in China and Canada. 及阿尔伯塔省的官员进行了座谈,讨论并比较中加两国在肉品产业的监管方面遇到的实际问题和经验。
- Cf: Joseph P.Monteleone, Nicholas J Conca: Directors and Officers Indemnification and Liability Insurance: An Overview of Legal and Practical Issues, The Business Lawyer;Vol. 51, May 1996. 从字面上看,保险人的责任落脚于董事在没有违反法律、法规和公司章程的情况下所可能承担的责任,但董事若既没有违反法律、法规也没有违反公司章程,通常情况下是不会产生个人责任的。
- Burgess finds nature\'s reliance on disturbances and variance to be a practical issue. 博格斯发现自然对侵扰和矛盾的依赖是个实际问题。
- Why not try one of the many technology tools available to start collaborating online about practical issues, then move into the ongoing visioning process of a real learning community. 为什么不试着在这众多的技术工具中找一个实际的主题项目来开始协作的在线学习,然后再进行真实的学习社区的学习。
- New code of practice issued to help prevent ciguatera fish poisoning. 本署向售卖海鲜业发出新的作业守则,以预防雪卡毒事故。
- Therefore scholars should keep in contact with practical issues through administrative channels and participate in strategic research to help push forward the development of the society. 应该提倡专家学者尽可能地利用行政渠道接触实际问题,参与对策研究,推动社会的改革进步。
- Many issues hung upon the outcome of the debate. 许多问题都看这次辩论结果如何来决定。
- To recognize social development stage and characteristics is not just an important theoretic issue, but also is a grave practical issue. 摘要认识社会发展阶段及特征,不仅是一个重大的理论问题,而且也是一个重大的实践问题。