- power up diagnostics 加电诊断
- So you need to power up your lymph system. 因此你需要增强淋巴系统的功能。
- SRC.MESSAGE You see your Power Up now! 装备起来后你将看到的文字!
- We'll have the power up in 30 seconds, sir. 我们将在30秒内供电,长官。
- Purchase Dofus gold power up your character ot the next level. 有日本“大金”和“三菱”、美国“约克”和“麦克维尔”等;
- Purchase DDO Gold & power up your character ot the next level. 第三定律,购买价格和价值成正比的商品。
- Purchase Dofus gold &power up your character ot the next level. 二是听的时间长了学习者的注意力就分散了。
- Yes, he can assist in powering up machines. 答:是的,他可以协助给机器人充电。
- Purchase Dark Age of Camelot Plat &power up your character ot the next level. 错误往往在经历后才得知,所以,总结必不可少。
- Just wait until your 3 D holographic TV won't power up or your talking toaster starts mouthing off. 你就等着三维立体全息电视机不增加电力耗,或自动报话烤面包机开始张口说话吧。
- We run from morning to night trying to keep our earning power up with our yearning power. 美国人整日忙碌奔波赚钱以满足自己日益增长的需求。
- Reviewers at several websites were unable to get the motherboard to power up in any configuration. 评论者在几个网站无法得到主板供给动力在任一种配置。
- Rebellion was intrinsic to the growth of state power up to the nineteenth century. 到19世纪为止,叛乱和国家权力增长之间存在着固有的联系。
- The results show that the anomalous chromatic dispersion in 40.0km SMF can be suppressed by SPM with the increased incident power up to 15.0dBm. 增加入纤功率能在一定程度上抑制色散效应 ;当入纤功率为 1 5dBm时 ;对于 4 0 .;0km的单模光纤;自相位调制效应和色散恰好抵消;功率代价接近为零。
- Takeoff - The pilot powers up the aircraft and speeds down the runway. 飞行员发动,飞行器加速离开跑道。
- Discuss the possible causes of power up and power down "POP" in the analog circuit.Design a circuit to mute the Output upon power up. 这句话的意思是:讨论可能引起电源开关时在模拟电路中产生的POP声音的原因,设计一个电路来在开关电源时对输出静音!
- A series of diagnostic routines performed when a system is powered up. 系统加电的时候所执行的一系列诊断程序。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- The default configuration should get the card to power up without a problem.However, for best performance, configure it using install.exe. 戴尔会尽力找出排版和图像中的错误,但是对于不可避免的错误戴尔不负任何责任。
- We have revolutionized the exchange of money to Dofus Money ?Purchase Dofus gold &power up your character ot the next level. 本公司拥有雄厚的技术实力、精良的加工设备、先进的生产工艺、完善的质量保证体系。