- The planners had not provided for a failure of the power system. 计画制定者未对动力系统可能出现故障一事制定应变措施。
- The Agilent modular power system saves rack space. 安捷伦的模块式电源系统可节省机架空间。
- Monitor the electric power system. 监控厂区电力系统。
- Electric Power System Simulation Lab. 仿真检验实验室。
- PSE Power System Engineering Inc. 电力系统工程公司。
- Its new solar power system before a large audience. 公司在一大群观众面前演示了新的太阳能系统。
- Reaches the power system stable and is clean. 已达电力系统稳定及乾净。
- Grasps the l power system status. 掌握工厂动力系统的工作情况;
- System studies on isolation and culture of protoplasts in Solanum tuberosum L. 马铃薯原生质体游离与培养体系的研究。
- It meets the demands of electrical power system. 满足了电力系统产品需要。
- The planner have not provided for a failure of the power system. 计画制定者未对动力系统可能出现故障一事制定应变措施。
- All of the above will be a basis for the studies of flow load control, power supply recovery and damage loss mitigation of power system after earthquake. 该工作可为震后电力系统负荷快速调整、震区供电系统较快恢复电力供应,减少供电工程系统的损失提供理论分析依据。
- The sudden change of the boundary of small signal stability region (SSSR) is shown through the studies of a 4-generator 11-bus power system models. 针对4机11节点电力系统,通过详细模型下的仿真发现小扰动稳定域边界上会出现几何形状的突变现象。
- The nuclear power system designed in China is of great precision. 中国设计的核动力系统十分精确。
- power system studies 系统研究
- Transformation of Electric Power System at Nansteel Co., Ltd. 对南钢公司电力系统进行改造的思考。
- Obtains from the Confucianist culture historical origin as well as the Confucianist culture development, the system studies the Confucianist culture to the martial arts influence. 从儒家文化的历史渊源以及儒家文化的发展入手,系统研究儒家文化对武术影响。
- Computer aidid power systems analysis II. 电力系统计算机辅助分析2。
- Chengdu Monolithic Power Systems Co., Ltd. 成都芯源系统有限公司。