- Thus, high linearity and power efficiency can be achieved in LINC transmitter. 因此,采用LINC技术的发射器能够同时达到高线性度且高效率的效果。
- This method has an advantage in improving the optical power efficiency and simplifying the system structure . 该方案在提高光功率的利用率,简化系统结构方面有一定的优势。
- GIGABYTE Dynamic Energy Saver Advanced / Ultra Durable 2 Motherboards - More Power Savings Better Power Efficiency! 技嘉动态节能器强化版/第二代超耐久主机板-省电节能一板搞定!
- Studies on the power efficiency for the He-Ar-Xe system of nuclear reactor pumped laser[J]. 引用该论文 万俊生;景春元;陈达;王道华;蒋飞军;刘晶儒;赵柱民;赵学庆.
- Smart applications utilize device processing power efficiently. 智能应用程序有效地利用了设备处理能力。
- The ADM8845 is also designed to maximize power efficiency by switching automatically between three charge pump modes based on the input voltage. ADM8845可以在3种电荷泵工作模式之间根据输入电压自动切换,所以它还用来最大化功率效率。
- Linearization and efficiency enhancement techniques of power amplifier can be adopted to improve the linearity and power efficiency of the transmitter. 于是功率放大器的线性化以及提高效率的技术被采用来改善发射器的线性度和效率。
- The pulse position modulation(PPM) is widely used in indoor wireless infrared local network for its high power efficiency. 脉冲位置调制(PPM)具有功率利用率高的优点,在室内红外无线局域网中得到广泛的应用。
- Q switched laser, optical parameter oscillator, energy! power efficiency, frequency stability, message send and receive from COM port. 调Q激光器,光参量振荡器,能量/功率转换效率,频率稳定性和复现性,串口通讯
- In order to find the modulation with good band and power efficiency, the QAM is analyzed and simulated with Matlab, and it is compared with the PSK. 为了找到具备以上特性的调制方式;对正交振幅调制(QAM)作了理论分析和计算机仿真;并将其与移相键控调制(PSK)作了对比分析.
- To improve the bandwidth and power efficiency of conventional QPSK signal, the continuous phase QPSK (CPQPSK) is proposed. 摘要针对导致传统QPSK信号带宽效率和功率效率低的相位跳变问题,提出了连续相位QPSK,CPQPSK调制。
- In this thesis, we describe the operation of LINC system and discuss the nonideal effects on linearity and power efficiency. 本篇论文中,我们说明LINC发射器的操作原理以及讨论在LINC发射器中线性度和效率非理想的效应。
- Various PA linearization techniques have been adopted to improve linearity and power efficiency of wireless transmitters. 于是多种不同功率放大器的线性化技术被采用来改善无线发射机的线性度及效率。
- This is partly because of SSD benefits, which include performance, power efficiency, ruggedness and a lightweight, compact size. 这部分是因为对的SSD的好处,其中包括性能,功耗效率,耐用性和轻量,紧凑的尺寸。
- Thanks to the low duty cycle, you can freely reduce the value of the optocoupler’s load resistor, R8, without sacrificing power efficiency. 由于低占空比,可以不损失功率而任意减少光耦负载电阻R8的值。
- In order to improve high-speed switch power efficiency, the permissible close phase drops are determined according to the fact. 指出为提高快速切换成功率,应根据实际情况确定允许的合闸相角差;
- This paper uses a real case study to demonstrate how to improve the power efficiency while the voltage vibrates too much. 本文并以某一实际改善案例作说明,发现某处电压变动过大时,用户及台电端如何改善,以提升电力品质。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Description: GIGABYTE Dynamic Energy Saver Advanced / Ultra Durable 2 Motherboards - More Power Savings Better Power Efficiency! 技嘉动态节能器强化版 / 第二代超耐久主机板 - 省电节能一板搞定!
- The full segmented DAC is interested because of their fast operation speed, less consumed area, and high power efficiency. 如此不但节省了面积的浪费并且在功率上面获得了很大的改进。