- Pound for pound, you can get better value at this shop than at the other one. 同样是一英镑,在这个店就比在别的店更值钱。
- Pound for pound, the new entity is stronger in many key respects, they believe, than Merrill Lynch& Company, the industry giant. 若论真正价值,他们相信,新公司在很多关键方面都比业界巨擘梅林公司健全。
- Pound for pound,you can get better value at this shop than at the other one. 同样是一英镑,在这个店就比在别的店更值钱。
- Mayweather can't say he's the best welterweight or the best fighter, pound for pound. 梅威瑟不可以说他是最棒的次中量级拳手、最棒的拳手或砰砰响拳手。
- Pound for pound,the new entity is stronger in many key respects,they believe,than Merrill Lynch & Company,the industry giant. 若论真正价值,他们相信,新公司在很多关键方面都比业界巨擘梅林公司健全。
- Its oversize head houses sharp teeth and strong, muscular jaws that can deliver, pound for pound, one of the most powerful bites of any mammal. 袋獾头部巨大,嘴里长满锋利的牙齿,强健有力的嘴可以均等的撕裂食物,在哺乳动物中,它们最具撕咬力量。
- Pound for pound, the new entity is stronger in many key respects, they believe, than Merrill Lynch & Company, the industry giant. 若论真正价值,他们相信,新公司在很多关键方面都比业界巨擘梅林公司健全。
- We just want to make this night special!Pound for pound, these are the shorts we found weirdest, rawest and coolest of the bunch. 事实是,今晚将有最酷炫、劲爆、独创性最强的影片,一网打进,保证值回票价。
- My goals in powerlifting are become the strongest powerlifter of all time and to be pound for pound the best powerlifter of all time. 我的目标是成为最强壮的力量举运动员,是所有时代的最强的。
- Here we have a guy who many people believe beat Manny Pacquiao twice and Pacquiao is considered the best pound for pound. 很多人相信他曾两度击败帕奎奥,而帕奎奥则是砰砰响头牌。他该怎么做?
- Pound for pound, hyenas have the strongest jaws in the Mala Mala Game Reserve. Nothing is going to make this hyena let go. 一点点加力,土狼在马拉马拉狩猎动物保护区内有着最强壮的下颚。任何事情都不会让这只土狼松口。
- They're not merely gallant. Against tremendous odds, dollar for dollar and pound for pound, this old-school operation is one of the best the NBA has ever seen. 他们不只是勇猛。对着巨大的薪资,这支传统老队可算是至今为止在NBA中最好的一支了。
- History will undoubtedly judge the big Finn to be one of the club's shrewdest pieces of business - and possibly the best pound for pound signing ever to arrive at Anfield. 这样一桩交易无法抹杀海皮亚10年来对于球队的贡献,他的名字将注定成为一段光荣的历史永远被安菲尔德铭记。
- He screwed out half a pound for the taxi fare. 他很舍不得地拿出半个英镑来付出租汽车费。
- Then came surprising new studies showing that the diet not only works (pound for pound, up to 100% better than low-fat diets) but also appears to be good for the heart, lowering triglycerides and raising HDL, the "good" cholesterol. 但报告上却显示出一个令人惊讶的消息。那就是减肥餐不止可以运作(一直减重,比低脂餐还要好)并且也显示出对心脏的好处:低三酸甘油脂和hdl这种好的胆固醇。
- Moderate drinkers may be the least likely to develop Metabolic Syndrome while alcoholics are the most likely. In part that is because pound for pound, they carry more abdominal fat. 饮酒适度的人可能是患新陈代谢综合症几率最低的人,而酗酒者则相反,部分原因是,而且十分的确定,他们的腹腔脂肪更高。
- For Pound, nothing was quite sacred. 对庞德而言,没有什么是神圣的。
- I'll offer you 10 pounds for this book. 我出10 磅钱买你这本书。
- I'd like to exchange some pounds for dollars. 我想把一些英镑兑换成美金。