- Then I think it will be relevant to mention we also question some potential user of electric vehicle. 然后我想适当提一下我们还询问了有可能购买电动车辆的客户。
- Advertising in banking alerts a potential user that a service or product will help him to reach an objective. 银行广告使潜在顾客意识到银行提供的某种商品或服务将有助于达到他所期望的目标。
- Car acoustics market is the potential user of flat loudhailer technology, domestic movie theater is another application domain. 汽车音响市场是平板扬声器技术的潜在用户,家庭影院则是另一应用领域。
- A Web service needs to be located to be invoked by potential users. 需要查找Web服务供潜在的用户调用。
- Whether free speech matters to potential users is moot. More important will be the fact that, in this case, the beer is free, too. 自由言论对潜在用户是否重要,这个问题无关紧要。更重要的是如下事实:在这件事上,啤酒也是免费的。
- It will try to reach potential users of IP at the most appropriate time and place. 还将在最适宜的时间和地点使知识产权制度的潜在用户能够接触到这项计划。
- These applications are now available to tens of millions more potential users as a result of LingoWare technology. 由于有了LingoWare技术,这些应用程序现在更拥有了几千万潜在的用户。
- Double-checking on other security platforms is another NAC capability that is attractive to potential users. 仔细检查对其他安全平台,是另一个新来港学童的能力,这是有吸引力的潜在用户。
- Interviewing both current and potential users illuminates the effect that experience with the current version of a product may have on how the user behaves and thinks about things. 与现有用户和潜在用户进行访谈,可以发现产品旧版的使用经验对行为与观念的影响。
- If a state or local government becomes the "banker" of emission rights, how should it allocate the rights among potential users? 如果某个州或者某个地方政府变成了排放量权利的“银行”,那么应该怎样在潜在的用户中间分配权利呢?
- The latter is to reflect the fact that even during times when no data are being transferred, the bandwidth is unavailable to other potential users. 后者将反映事实,甚至在时代期间,当没有数据正在被转移的时候,带宽对其他的潜在使用者是得不到的。
- Also, the scarcity of infrastructure causes potential users to worry about finding a place to recharge the cars when the batteries run low. 此外,基础设施的缺乏造成潜在用户担心在电池电量不足的时候,难以找到充电的地方。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- But, as Coburn shows, most potential users are afraid of new technologies, and they need a really great reason to change. 书中很多事例,由于涉及外交和他国声誉,故而不能具体点出这些国家的名字和涉及的国家的人员的具体姓名。
- the average content degree of potential user 潜在用户平均满意度
- As previously discussed, personas are derived from patterns observed during interviews with and observations of users and potential users (and sometimes customers) of a product. 正如前面所讨论的,在与产品的用户和潜在用户的访谈或者观察期间(有时是一些顾客),人物角色从观察到的模式中推导出。
- Because potential users have few expectations of the contents of an explorational kiosk, it becomes difficult for them to justify waiting in line to use one. 人们不会在交易型信息亭前逗留过长时间,他们通常也不太讨厌排队等待使用,因为他们脑子里都有明确的目标;
- Education develops potential abilities. 教育能开发人的潜能。
- Don't misunderstand -- this approach by the vendors is a positive one for potential users of data warehouses,since it opens the door to more experimentation by a vastly broader community. 请不要误解,供应商的这种方法对潜在的数据仓库用户是积极的方法,因为它为更广的用户群打开做更多实验的大门。
- Our company is the biggest user of electricity in this area. 我们公司是这个地区最大的用电户。