- A metal pot or kettle used in camp cooking. 户外用壶用于野营烹饪的金属罐或壶
- Put the rice in a clay pot or a medium-sized pot. 把米放进陶罐里或者中号的罐子里。
- A bent or hooked piece of iron for hanging a pot or kettle over a fire. S形锅钩用以悬吊罐、壶、锅等在炉火上煮的弯曲的铁钩
- The liquid contained in this type of pot or drinking vessel. 一波特尔的液体装于这种壶中或酒杯中的液体
- Camp pot n. Also billy A metal pot or kettle used in camp cooking. 户外用壶用于野营烹饪的金属罐或壶。
- A pot or drinking vessel with a capacity of2.0 quarts(1.9 liters). 能盛波特尔的容器能装二夸脱(1。9升)的壶或饮用容器
- A small earthenware container, such as a pot or jar, for holding liquids. 罐,坛一种陶制的小型容器,如罐或坛等,用来盛装液体
- Out of his nost***ls goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron. 20从它鼻孔冒出烟来,如烧开的锅和点着的芦苇。
- As a great big pot or a little bitty bow!Or a spoonful of carrot stew. 本站并不拥有这些资料的版权,版权属于原版权所有人。
- Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron. 从它鼻孔冒出烟来,如烧开的锅和点着的芦苇。
- Something, such as a chimney pot or a chamber pot, that resembles a round cooking vessel in appearance or function. 壶状物外形或功用与圆形炊具相似的东西,例如烟囱顶管或尿壶
- In the meantime, heat water in a medium pot or pan. Boil each bagel 60 seconds each side. 锅里烧好开水。把做成的生面团放入开水中,每面煮60秒。捞出待用。
- NB: The varnish should not boil too vigorously or it may cook out of control, spewing out of the pot or turn to rubber. 注意:清漆不应煮沸太大力,或可库克失去控制,喷涌出盆栽或转入橡胶。缓慢和低是最好的烹饪实践。
- And a chicken in every pot or as you put it,"An America where health care is a right,not a privilege" is a promise-not,as you said,a vision. 家家锅里有一只鸡,或所谓的“医疗福利作为权利而非特权的美国”是一个许诺,而不是你所说的是一个幻想。
- Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. 锡制的咖啡壶和铁制的咖啡壶对我而言也是没用的。
- Tin cxxx pots or iron cxxx pots are of no use to me. 锡制的咖啡壶和铁制的咖啡壶对我而言也是没用的。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- For a tea-vegetable day of your own, brew a pot or more of your favorite tea, preferably herbal, since caffeinated tea usually jangles the nerves. 在你自己实施的茶水蔬菜日里,可以泡上一壶或是一壶以上你最爱的茶,最好是草本类的。因为含咖啡因的茶通常会扰乱神经。
- For removing dross through converting dross back to solder from solder pot or wave soldering machine, and greatly lower down the solder oxidization. 可用于锡炉和波峰焊中锡渣的还原,大幅降低锡的损耗。
- The milk in the pot boiled up and spilled over. 锅里的牛奶煮沸溢了出来。