- Wo years (AD 490 years) von Queen Mother's death, only 49 years old, posthumous title, "Empress Dowager too civilized. 太和十四年(公元490年)冯太后去世,年仅49岁,谥“文明太皇太后”。
- Qianlong in the years to build temple on the west side of the tomb, the posthumous title and the "good guys are. 乾隆年间于墓西侧建祠,并谥“忠正”。
- A.D. 221 years eldest son Cao Pi sets up Wei, bestows an honorific posthumous title Cao Cao for Wei Wu Di. He is Wei's founder. 公元221年长子曹丕立魏代汉,追尊曹操为魏武帝。他是魏的奠基人。着有《孙子略解》、《兵书接要》等军事著作和《蒿里行》、《观沧海》、《龟虽寿》等诗编。
- The posthumous titles honored his death in a way. 被追认了几个头衔的他得以略享哀荣。
- Tang marked the early years of Qing (656 years) died, the posthumous title Jingzhou captaincy general, Zhao Ling buried with the dead King. 唐显庆初年(656年)病故,谥荆州都督、陪葬太宗昭陵。
- Posthumous title, "Project Day"qi du wei hereditary and first-class riding Wei-yun, were included in the early Qing Dynasty, "fifty hero" one. 谥“毅节”,世袭骑都尉兼一等云骑尉,名列入清朝前期“五十功臣”之一。
- Beijing officials and the North Korea set to makewu pin yi shang have to pay, canonized as the Stuart, and the state captaincy general, posthumous title Chungmugong. 令京官五品以上及朝集使都去吊唁,册封为司徒、并州都督,谥忠武。
- But if there are any special achievements, the emperor’s death may also be able to pay tribute to their achievements追封name, not necessarily for the posthumous title No. reign title. 不过如果有特别的功绩,天皇死后也可能被追封能赞扬其功绩的名称,不一定以年号为谥号。
- the posthumous title of an emperor 庙号
- As more and more posthumous titles were conferred on him, the original temple was several times enlarged and renovated in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 随着关羽不断的晋爵、加封,明、清时的解州关帝庙也多次扩建和重修。
- Palace reached the funeral obituary, the abdication of the Qing Dynasty, The Last Emperor Xuantong very condolences for the posthumous title, "Wen Xi", confer posthumously with the country. 丧讣传到故宫,退位的清朝末代皇帝宣统甚表哀悼,谥号"文僖",追赠相国。
- To confer a posthumous title to a reputed and deceased minister 赐谥名臣
- Conferring posthumous titles was the important means of ruling, and by means of conferment, the ruling class initiated some orientation of value, or made clear the government's attitude towards an event. 谥法作为王朝政治统治的重要工具,统治阶级倡导某种价值取向和道德标准,或者在某个特定的时期表明政府的某种态度,都可能通过谥法来实现。
- The title just won't come to mind. 那个标题就是想不起来。
- A fat chance he has of winning the title! 他夺得冠军的希望极渺茫!
- She sang the title role in Carmen. 她在歌剧《卡门》中演唱卡门这一角色。
- Titling and Posthumous titling in the Qing dynasty 论清代谥法
- He have a good title to the property. 他有此财产的有效产权证书。
- The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。
- The title "Mrs." is seldom spelled out. 先生这个称呼很少有人拼写出全部字母的。