- postal transfer account 邮汇账户
- It will take arounf 2 days if you arrange the postal transfer,we can confirm it as soon as we receive the T/T copy. 对于邮局汇款,从用户汇款到我们收到汇款,约需2天左右时间,我们收到汇款单即可确认汇款信息。
- Can I transfer accounts to go up to postal Zhang order all right from labour? Different ground! How to do? 我可以从工行转帐到邮局的账号上吗?异地!怎么弄?
- Can I send the cables on transferred account? 我能拍发转帐电报吗?
- Dentist:Can I make arrangements to open an automatic transfer account for my income tax payments. 牙医:为了支付我的所得税,能为我安排开立一个自动转帐帐户吗?
- Can I make arrangements to open an automatic transfer account for my income tax payments? 为了支付我的所得税,能为我开立一个自动转账账户吗?
- PLS use the personal ac to transfer accounts to the personal ac. 请以私人账户转账私人账户,谢谢!
- Article 7. Vouchers of transfer account settlement shall bear the same disbursement capability as cash in business transaction. 第七条转帐结算凭证在经济往来中,具有同现金相同的支付能力。
- Reflections on Postal Transfer System Development 关于发展邮政划拨业务的思考
- The relevant bank shall pay by transfer account, in accordance with the stipulations of the house purchase contract, the money in the certificate of deposit for purchase of house to the seller of the commodity residential house. 有关银行应当按照购房合同的约定,将购房存款单的款额转帐支付给商品住宅出售单位。
- Can you cash this postal order for me now? 你现在能帮我兑现这张邮政汇票吗?
- One of this accounting software's functions is to transfer accounts automatically. 此理财软件的功能之一就是自动转帐。
- We have two postal deliveries each day. 我们每天收到两次信。
- The postal service here is very unreliable. 这里的邮政服务很不可靠。
- Cannot, because agricultural bank has not debutted temporarily,cross transfer accounts all right. 不能;因为农业银行暂时还没开通跨行转帐.
- On Industrial and Commercial Bank of China net, does the bank transfer accounts not needing the dense guarantor? 您的位置:我也知道>商业/理财>银行业务>工行网上银行转账不需要密保?
- I need a fifty-dollar postal order, please. 我要一张50美元的汇款单。
- The next postal delivery is at 4 o'clock. 下一次邮递时间是四点钟。
- Have you got a schedule of postal charges? 你有没有邮资价目表?
- He sent me some postal cards from Paris. 他从巴黎给我寄来几张明信片。