- postal money order telegram 邮汇电报
- Please cash this postal money order for me. 请帮我兑现这张邮政汇票。
- I want a postal money order for one hundred yuan. 我要一张汇款单,汇100元钱。
- Could you cash US Postal Money Order on your side? 你那边能兑现美国邮政汇票吗?
- Do you sell postal money orders here? Yes, how much do you want it for? 你们这卖邮政汇票吗邮:是的你要卖多少钱的汇票?
- Article 23 In case a postal money order is not cashed on account of the foregoing Article, Chunghwa Post shall inform the remitter to take it back, and the remitter may not ask for a refund of the handling charge. 第23条邮政汇票逾前条期间未经兑款者,中华邮政公司应通知汇款人领回,汇款人不得要求退还汇费。
- international postal money order 国际邮政汇票
- Can I have this money order cash, please? 能不能请把这张汇款单兑现。
- Enclosed please find a money order. 兹附上一张汇票,请查收。
- I'd like to cash this money order. 我想兑现这张汇款单。
- a postal money order 邮局汇票; 定货单
- money order telegram 汇兑电报
- postal money order 邮政汇票
- You can wire up to $2000 with this money order. 用这张汇款单您最多可以电汇2000元钱。
- By what bank was the money order issued? 金融指令由什么银行发布?
- Please send RMB 2500 by postal money order. We'll send the article upon receiving the postal moneyorder. 请到邮局以现金汇票寄2500元。我们一收到汇票就发货。
- He always pays us by bank money order. 他经常用银行小额本票支付。
- Please cash this money order for me. 请将这笔汇款付给我。
- I would like to cash this money order. 我想把这张汇款单兑现。
- When did you receive the money order we sent you? 我们寄给你的汇单什么时候收到的?