- Sophie's interpretation of the painting came from a post modern point of view. 苏菲对这幅画的理解源自后现代的观点。
- I want to explore the characteristics of post modern art in consuming society by studying these issues. 通过对这些问题的研究企图探究消费社会语境中后现代艺术的特性。
- N. Philip Allmendinger, Planning in Post Modern Times, The RTPI Library Series (New York: Routledge, 2001), 108. 赖鼎铭编,图书馆的利用:大专校院篇,图书馆与资讯素养丛书4(台北市:国家图书馆,民国88年),页6。
- How does positivism confront all kinds of post modernity thoughts? 实证主义如何面对各种后现代性的思想?
- Donald Barthelme is an important post modernistic writer. 唐纳德.;巴塞尔姆是一位重要的美国后现代主义作家。
- To return to the tonality of post modern arisen recently did not resolved inner out contradiction of serious music, but more complex the situation. 音乐价值与文化功能的断裂,音乐自身的高度专业化,听众和音乐之间的疏离,以及非西方音乐因素的渗入,使20世纪以来的现代音乐加速走向离散和分裂。
- According to the categorization of this paper, the definitions of all kinds can be sorted into three types: Traditional Type, Modern Type and Post modern Type. 文章认为,学术界对城市化的界定大致经历了从传统型定义到现代型定义,再发展到后现代型定义的过程。
- Non-rational space presents more vitality and virility in post modernism. 纵观世界雕塑史就是一部感性空间和理性空间的探索历史。
- Post Modern all over me. 前后都很现代的后现代.
- Concept of knowledge in the West is changing from the modern one pursuing the objective necessity, integrity and absoluteness of knowledge to the post modern one advocating the "play" character and the explicable and diverse meanings. 摘要西方知识观正经历从近现代追求知识的客观必然性、整体性与绝对性,到后现代张扬知识的“游戏”性、意义的可解释性与多样性的变化。
- The network language varies greatly in different cultural environments, and the varieties embody the conflict between the network language as post modern aesthetics and the culture of modern language. 不同文化环境下网络语言有着很大的悬殊,这种悬殊其实体现出网络语言作为后现代的审美和现代语言的文化冲突。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- In succession to classicism and modernism,post modernism becomes the instrument for the shift of aesthetics. 继古典主义、现代主义之后 ,后现代主义文化思潮成为美学话语转型有力工具。
- This paper makes an analysis of the connotative meaning of post modernism and probes into function shifts of tourism industry with this concept. 本文分析了后现代旅游的内涵,探讨了后现代旅游概念下旅游产业功能的转变。
- The post modernist interpretation of "Bamboo Forest" is a tentative hypothesis, and it tries to prove the possibility and rationality of the post modernist thought and artistic techniques in creative and rebellious literary works before post modernism. 摘要《竹林中》的后现代主义阐释不但是一个假设与尝试,而且也试图证明后现代主义作为一种思维态势和艺术手法在后现代之前的极具创造性和叛逆性的文学作品中都有其存在的可能性和合理性。
- Thirdly, the author tries to tell the study features of small space unit under the viewpoints of empiricism, positivism, structurism, humanism, and post modernism. 本文第三部分粗略分析了经验主义、实证主义、人文主义、结构主义和后现代主义视野下的小区域研究特点。
- I am afraid the last post has been dispatched. 恐怕末班邮件已经发出了。
- All bookings must be made by post. 所有预约都必须用信函形式。
- The book has been styled in a modern format. 该书已按照现代版式制作。