- There are still some communist countries in the world. 世界上仍有几个共产主义国家。
- They're a communist country just execute the guy. 他们是个共产主义国家。所以直接杀了这个人就好了。
- At a time when communist countries were providing arms to Egypt and offering strong support to arab states. 当时的情况是共产国家不断供应武器给埃及,并强力支持其它的阿拉伯国家。
- In communist countries, prices were not determined inthe marketplace but were dictated by central planners. 在共产主义国家里,价格不由市场决定,而是直接取决于中央计划者。
- Brave men and women risk life and liberty smuggling Bibles into the communist countries of Eastern Europe. 一些勇敢的人冒着失去生命和自由的危险,将圣经偷运进到东欧的共产主义国家。
- How does the stock market work in a communist country? 在共产主义国家,股市是如何运作的?
- Budapest is home to the best Holocaust museum in the formerly communist countries, housed in a former synagogue on Pava Street. 布达佩斯的大屠杀纪念馆是过去那些共产主义国家中最好的一个,它坐落于巴瓦大街上犹太教堂里。
- Handing over wads of dollars, won, baht, rupee, yuan, rubles or your-favorite-currency-here to Olympic medalists started with the old-line communist countries. 当今的奥运奖牌获得者走下领奖台后,迎接他们的将是大笔的美元、韩圆、泰铢、卢比、人民币、卢布或任何你喜欢的货币。
- Large-scale immigration, especially from the former communist countries of eastern Europe, has boosted the economy without triggering a serious backlash of resentment. 针对东欧前共产国家的宽松移民尺度,不仅推动了经济繁荣,而且还避免了大量移民引发的仇恨事件。
- Christopher Hill says the trip is about implementing sanctions against the Communist country. 克里斯多佛.;希尔说这次行程是关于对这个共产主义国家实施制裁的。
- The festivities will commemorate the 55th anniversary of the founding of the communist country. 这次军事阅兵,是庆祝朝鲜民主主义人民共和国建国55周年。
- A former communist country in eastern Europe, Romania is a rapidly growing country that will soon join the European Union. 罗马尼亚是东欧以前的一个共产主义国家,她现在发展迅速,大概很快就会加入欧盟。
- But it was the free-trading U.S. that raised the protectionist specter, while the putatively communist country couched its objection in business terms. 但是,一向鼓吹自由贸易的美国引起了人们对保护主义的恐惧,而被认为是共产主义国家的中国却是用商业措辞表达了它的拒绝。
- I am afraid the last post has been dispatched. 恐怕末班邮件已经发出了。
- OH... don't use the word patriot................how can be a patriot in china? be a patriot in communist country? forget it! 我就要死了..祖国父亲...但请为我自豪..德意志万岁!请加入山地师部队;戴上象征着荣誉的雪绒花!
- All bookings must be made by post. 所有预约都必须用信函形式。
- The United States is suggesting international inspections of any cargo going into or out of the reclusive, communist country. 美国正建议国际社会对进出朝鲜这个闭关锁国的共产国家的任何货物进行检查。
- By parcel post our samples were sent. 我们的样品是通过邮包寄送的。
- No one can alter the fact, ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- However, he may still visit the communist country before leaving office in January, White House press secretary Jake Siewert said. 然而,这位白宫发言人还说,克林顿在明年1月份离任之前还可能会访问这个社会主义国家。