- There exists the positive relation between intellectual property and core competition power of industry. 摘要知识产权与产业核心竞争力之间存在正相关关系。
- Specific leaf weight and nitrogen content had positive relation to the net assimilation rate. 比叶重和含氮量与净同化速率间存在正相关。
- The unfairness of education for labors has positive relation with their income allocation. 劳动力中教育不均等的程度,与收入分配的不公平之间存在正相关。
- The result showed that the scavenging percentage of the sample were not positive relation with hydrolyzed degree. 结果表明,大豆蛋白水解物清除超氧阴离子的能力并不是与水解度正相关。
- The characteristic of personality therethrough relation to job satisfaction is positive relation to job performance. 人格特质透过工作满意度对工作绩效有显著正向之影响。
- Also, the risk premium on stock index and the risk premium on REIT index were positive relation in two countries. 同样的,在股价之风险溢酬方面,两国之REIT风险溢酬也皆与股价风险溢酬呈现正向之关系。
- Rgarding the ratio of capital expenditure, it is significantly positive relation with sales growth rate, ROA and ROE. 资本支出比方面,在营收成长率、资产报酬率及净值报酬率均呈正向关系。
- The position relation between mandible and maxilla or cranioaural. 下颌骨对上颌骨乃至颅骨的位置关系。
- And the serum levels of BGP were much lower in OP group than those in NOP group. The leels of serum BGP had positive relation with the changes of BMD. 肝硬化组血清BGP水平较对照组明显降低,其中OP组较NOP降低更明显,尿Crosslaps水平肝硬化组较对照组明显升高,其中OP组较NOP升高更明显,血清BGP水平与尺桡骨密度呈正相关。
- There were linear positive relation between the apparent digestible energy and the digestibility of NDF in DDG(R 2 =0.58,P=0.004). DDG消化能与NDF消化率呈线性正相关(R2=0.;58;P=0
- Also the empirical research supports the MDH theory. There is a positive relation between the trade volume and volatility. 该模型得到的实证结果支持了混合分布假设理论关于量价关系的结论,该结论指出交易量与波动率有显著的正相关关系。
- The correlation analysis indicated that the number of PWN had significant and positive relation with the weight of stumps. 对伐桩内松材线虫数量与伐桩样品质量的相关分析表明两者呈极显著的正相关。
- The score of anxiety self-rating scale was positive relation with the arousal times , negative with the stage 4 of NREM and the REM sleep time . 急性焦虑障碍患者的异常睡眠现象为探讨该病的病理生理机制具有重要意义,值得与相关学科结合进一步研究。
- Take" Guangdong Meidi" as example, we get result that intramural person holding share and management performance display positive relation. 以“广东美的”为案例,得出内部人持股与经营绩效存在正相关关系。
- There is a negative relation between working pressure and job satisfaction, and a positive relation between working pressure and demission tendency;5. 4、话务员工作满意度与工作压力呈负相关,话务员离职倾向性与工作压力呈正相关。
- We find that the quality of nonfinancial disclosure has significantly positive relation with current and the following two years’ performance. 研究发现,非财务信息披露水平与上市公司当年财务业绩、后续一年财务业绩甚至后续两年财务业绩存在着不同程度的正相关关系。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- The serum ADMA was positively related to blood pressure. 血清ADMA浓度与收缩压及舒张压呈明显正相关 (分别为 r=0 .;6 34;P <0
- The expression of VEGF is positively related with G and S of HB. VEGF表达与乙肝 G和 S呈正相关。
- Conscientiousness is positively related to job involvement. 二、审慎性人格倾向会对工作投入产生正向影响;