- positive power connection 接正电; 阳极电源接头
- The Positive Power of One - Believer! 一名信徒的积极力量!
- The Positive Power of One - Discovery! 一个发现的积极力量!
- The Positive Power of One COMMITMENT! 一个委身的力量!
- The Positive Power of One Person! 一个人的积极力量!
- The Positive Power of One THANK YOU! 一句谢谢的积极力量!
- The positive power of one believer is he knows. 信徒的积极力量就是他知道,知道了这件事。
- Far more important is the change to the error amp's power connection. 另一个重要的改变是误差放大器的电源的连接。
- But what is the most positive power that exists in the world? 但什么才是世上最绝对的力量?
- One 13A weather-proof power connection point will be available for light fitting near each plinth. 每个基座将设有一个全天候的13安培供电位置为基本照明系统提供电源。
- The ATX power connector is keyed for proper insertion. ATX电源线具有方向性,如此可避免使用者有插错方向之虞。
- Your organization should provide a layout indicated the location of the display area, parking of the MERC and the power connection points for our consideration. 申请机构请附上活动地点、流动环境资源中心车辆将停泊的位置及提供电源位置的草图给本署考虑。
- Know the difference between personal and positional power. 能够区分个人权力与职位权力的不同。
- The positive power is doing a lot of work in this world. We may not feel it, but it is actually helping us. 在这个世界上,肯定的力量工作很多,不过我们没有感觉到它太多帮忙,不过它有帮忙。
- Knowing this, the positive power of one believer declares and makes a verbal declaration of this knowledge. 信徒的积极力量宣告,并以话语宣告这知识。我们要认识我们说话的力量。
- If you use positive power or a positive attitude in the wrong way, it becomes negative. 如果你将肯定的力量用在错的地方,那就变成否定的。
- The WD RE EIDE drives use the industry-standard 4-pin power connector. WD RE EIDE磁碟机采用工业标准的4插脚电源连接器。
- Connect one of the computer's 4-pin power cables to the power connector on the Zip ATAPI drive. 戴尔的常规条款和条件在此适用,并可网上获得或致函索取。
- He bullied people by flaunting his powerful connections. 他狐假虎威欺侮人。
- To an unenlightened person, even the positive power may not do him any good. Not knowing how to use it, he might use it to do evil things. 对一个没有开悟的人,肯定的力量对他也不怎么好,他不晓得怎么用,他就利用那个做坏。