- What would positive findings suggest? 阳性发现意味什么?
- There were 27 eyes with positive findings of ROP among the 44 premature babies. 在44位早产儿中,共有27只眼有早产儿视网膜病变。
- Twenty-two out of 43 cases had positive findings with intestinal enteroclysis. 小肠镜检出小肠肿瘤13例,炎性、溃疡性病变20例,血管畸形3例;
- But there are enough positive findings, perhaps just enough, to sustain our interest in conducting further research on ginkgo. 不过,确实有相当多正面的发现,勉强足以维持我们继续研究银杏的兴趣。
- Positive findings should be histologically confirmed by fine needle aspiration under CT guidance. 阳性发现需要在CT引导下通过细针抽吸经组织学证实。
- Results Positive findings of CT for diagnosing cervical disc herniation were 8 % (6/75),those for diagnosing hyperosteogeny were 45.33 % (34/75). 结果CT平扫诊断颈椎间盘膨或突出症阳性率仅为8%25(6/75),诊断骨质增生45。
- The others suspended venous diseased had been performed 2D TOFMRA, and those patients who had positive findings had been performed other MRI examinations in SE, FSE and FAST. 42例怀疑静脉阻塞性疾病的病人,采用2D TOFMRA检查,阳性病人加做SE序列T_1WI、FSE序列T_2WI、FAST序列。
- Based on the survey of the students, the thesis concludes that CLT is feasible in reading teaching, which is further confirmed by the positive findings of the teaching practice. 经过对我校学生的调查,得出交际性教学法在中学英语阅读教学中是可行的这一结论,并经过交际性阅读教学实践,证实了这一方法能够成功地提高学生的阅读能力和语言交际能力。
- Although previous studies have shown benefits from drinking green tea - including some positive findings in relation to prostate cancer, there have been mixed results. 虽然过去的研究显示,喝绿茶有好处,包括与摄护腺癌相关的一些正面研究发现,不过研究结果不一。
- Seven patients had abnormal urinalysis but no positive finding in culture. 七位病人之尿液常规检查显示白血球增多但培养无结果。
- For the patients who maybe suffer from chronic rotator cuff lesions, X-ray should be taken, and for the patients whose X-rays have positive findings, MRI should be taken subsequently. 对怀疑有慢性肩袖损伤的病人先进行X线平片检查,然后对有阳性发现的病人再做MRI检查。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- Secretary Geithner, at the conclusion of his discussions with the Vice Premier, announced some very positive findings and commitments of moving forward on our economic recovery efforts. 盖特纳部长在结束同副总理的磋商时宣布了一些能够推动我们的经济复苏努力的非常积极的结论和承诺。
- Our estimation results reveal that the positive find rate are the highest(97.8%) in AIT group,the next(61.5% and 60.4%)in graves and primary hypothy- roidism groups,but lower in the other groups,and only 5% in the normal adu- lts. 结果表明;其阳性检出率 AIT 组最高;为97.;8%25;Graves 病与原发性甲减次之;分别为61
- Results:There is rare positive findings in X-ray.The tipical CT、MRI finds of RAL are renal tumors which have distinct margin with more or less fat component. 结果:X线少有阳性发现,CT、MRI的典型表现为肾实质肿块边界清楚,内含多少不一的脂肪成分。
- It is of importance to position finding of bit for orientational drilling. 在定向井钻进中,钻头的定位(即井眼轨迹的实时测量)是至关重要的。
- Conclusion: MP-CTP increases the positive finding of pleural lesions and also provides the initial differential diagnosis of benign and malignant pleural effusion. 结论:MP-CTP检查可提高胸膜病变的检出率,并可以初步鉴别良性及恶性渗出性胸水。
- Her behaviour was a positive outrage. 她的行为残暴到了极点。
- I'm positive she told us to meet at noon. 我肯定她是告诉我们在中午见面。
- Results Of 26 positive findings of CAG,16 dysfunctional segments were found by echocardiography.5 dysfunctional segments were found by echocardiography without positive CAG findings. 结果 26个冠脉造影阳性结果中,超声发现其中16个供血区节段性室壁运动失常;有5处冠脉造影阴性,超声发现运动异常。