- Body Position Affects Your Memory. 体位影响记忆。
- The most positive affect should result when the name is mildly incongruent. 最积极的反应应当出现在该名称有适度的不一致性时。”
- Personal benefits are magnified giving positive affects at regional, provincial and national levels. 个人利益的正效应在地区、省份和国家水平上被扩大。
- It concludes the positive affect, locus of control, hardiness, hope and self-efficacy. 即正面情绪、主控信念、坚强人格、希望和自我效能。
- Second, cross-level interaction between agreeableness and positive affect predicted organizational citizenship behavior. 再者,员工满意与经验取样的正效应的相互作用也预示着组织成员行为。
- Laible &Thompson. Mother-child discourse, attachment security, shared positive affect, and early conscience development. Child Development , 2000, 71vol, 5:1424-1440. 熊文琴儿童情绪社会化发展及其德育价值研究.;南京师范大学硕士论文;2004年。
- Either from a literature integration view or a multicultural view, globalization brings positive affects to Arab literature and greatly promotes its development, so its literature forms and creative skills became varied. 无论是从全球文化一体化还是全球文化多元化的角度来看,全球化都对阿拉伯文学产生了积极的影响,使阿拉伯文学得到了极大的发展,文学的体裁、创作的手法都变得丰富多彩。
- The factors affect SWB through positive affection and negative affection respectively, and the mechanism is different. 主客观因素分别通过影响积极情感和消极情感而作用于主观幸福感,其影响机制是不一致的。
- The results of this study showed that using formative assessment is more effective to aid secondary vocational students to strengthen motivation, form positive affect and improve English achievement. 此项研究志在说明运用形成性评价可以有效的帮助中等专业学校学生增强学习英语的动机,形成积极的情感同时提高英语学习。
- Studies reveal that MBO positively affects the operational cash flow, but marginally on other financial indicators. 研究发现,MBO对经营性现金流产生了积极的正向作用,但对其余财务指标的影响并不显著。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- First, at the intraindividual level, experience-sampled positive affect and job satisfaction predicted experience sampled reports of organizational citizenship behaviors over time. 首先在个人内在层次上,经验取样的正效应与工作满意预示着组织成员的经验取样报告。
- The professional believed that this act to the furniture industry is the advantage good news, but positively affects to the furniture export limitedly. 业内人士认为,此举对家具业是利好消息,但对家具出口积极影响有限。
- Positive affective factors promote learning, while negative ones block the way of effective learning. 而做一个拥有积极情感的导师而不是单纯的教师或讲师,是外语教师帮助学习者改善情感状态须遵循的根本原则。
- As expected, knowledge acquisition from IJV partners positively affects a firm's performances in product development, process improvement, and employee capability. 最后,而从合夥企业处取得的知识影响厂商在产品开发、制程改善与员工能力的表现。
- Moss affects the northern slopes. 朝北的山坡易生苔。
- It entrusts Chinese traditional culture with the surmounting character, and gives the social culture's savor with the positive affection. 它赋予中国文化以超越的品格,对社会文化品味的提高起到了积极的促进作用。
- Since we are no longer puppets or slaves to our hidden intentions and unguided thoughts, we begin to positively affect the lives we interact with. 对于那些隐藏的意念与不受支配的思想而言,既然我们不再是木偶或奴隶,我们开始正面地影响我们与人互动的生活。
- Get legal! Looking for a career in which you can positively affect the lives of others? Looking for a challenging career that offers pres... 获得法律!在职业生涯中,你可以积极影响他人的生活吗?寻找一个挑战性的事业,提供声望和兴奋和...
- Her behaviour was a positive outrage. 她的行为残暴到了极点。