- We must take a more positive attitude to life. 我们必须以更积极的态度对待人生。
- Please always positive. Each man has his lovely place, but unlovable is not the only positive attitude to life. 请永远积极向上。每个男人都有他可爱的地方,但是不可爱的地方只有不积极面对生活。
- She shows a very positive attitude to her work. 她工作态度非常积极。
- He has a mellow attitude to life. 他对生活有种成熟的看法。
- Her charm resides in her naive attitude to life. 她的魅力在於她对人生天真烂漫的态度。
- He has a sanguine attitude to life. 他对于人生有乐观的看法。
- Her charmresides in her naive attitude to life. 她的魅力在于她对人生天真烂漫的态度。
- To be upbeat for the future. Whenever we should be hopeful, and have positive attitude to cope with life and work. 对未来始终保持积极心态。不管什么时候都要对未来充满期望,以积极的心态对待生活和工作。
- At this time we need to have a good, positive attitude to face it. 这时就需要我们有一个良好、积极的心态来面对它。
- Happiness depends on our attitudes to life. 幸福取决于我们的人生态度。
- He has a positive attitude towards life. 他对生活持有积极的态度。
- And Forrest Gump is always positive attitude to face the reality and the courage to run it, This is wonderful irony. 而阿甘却总能以乐观的态度面对现实,勇敢地跑下去,这不能不说是绝妙的讽刺。
- To already suspecting the patient that produces hemal loss, want to adopt positive attitude to be handled in time. 对已怀疑发生血管损伤的病人,要采取积极的态度及时处理。
- Youthfulness is a matter of attitude to life, not of the year of birth. 年轻是一种对生活的态度,而不是出生的年份。
- I try to have a positive attitude about life. 我尽力以一种积极的态度去面对生活。
- Additional Skill required: Creative and outgoing personality With a very Pro active and positive attitude to work, and demonstrate flexibility. 其它技能要求:创造性及外向性格具有非常积极和正确的态度对待工作。
- It is not hard to develop a positive attitude to life. If you see your friends or partner do things you don't approve of, reject the behavior not the person. 培养一种积极的生活态度并不难,如果你看见你的朋友和伴侣做了一件你不赞成的事,那么你应当否定这件事而不是这个人。
- Li did not conceal his positive attitude to this march in himself.His estimation to Xiang Army's actual strength affected his military practice during the Westwards March. 李秀成本人并不讳言自己对第二次西征的消极态度,对湘军实力的估计始终左右着他在西征中的军事行动。
- To sum up, mistakes are like catalyzer when pursuing success, and we should have positive attitude to deal with them and never give up until get progress. 这里提到了态度...其实你这里是在说不是"失败必定导致了进步";感觉是这样;;其实离题还是有距离的
- A sense of humor is an attitude to life rather than the mere ability to laugh at jokes. 幽默感其实是对生活的一种态度;而不仅仅是指听到趣事能开怀大笑.