- position learning time 确定距离时间
- Agree on learning methods and learning time. 约定好学习方式和学习时间。
- Adaptive adjustable strategy can effectively shorten the learning time and accelerate convergence rale. 而自适应调整学习率可以有效的缩短学习时间,加快收敛速度。
- It is shown, by derivations and calculations, that the improved BP algorithm can obviously reduce the learning time. 最后,利用实测数据进行验证。结果表明,改进的神经网络算法明显提高网络收敛速度;
- Try using all your spare time to practice English crazily.Even a few minutes' practice while waiting for the bus can be valuable learning time. 试把所有的零碎时间都应用于疯狂地操练英语上面,哪怕是等车的一点点间隙也不要放过。
- To solve the problem of rule learning time cost for traditional transformation based part of speech tagging method of Latin Mongolian, a dynamic partition algorithm was presented. 针对传统基于转换的词性标注方法中规则学习速度过慢的问题提出了一种对训练语料库进行动态划分的算法。
- Free Learning Time You can flexibly arrange your learning time according to your practical situations. You will not lose any classes or affect your work and life. 自由的学习时间:您可以根据自己的实际情况灵活安排上课时间,不会有落课的情况发生,也不会影响自己的工作和生活。
- A dividing structure of multi-BP neural networks was presented,which could decrease the learning time of BP algorithm and promote the recognizing rate of fauIt mod-els. 提出了多重BP(BackPropagation)神经网络分流结构,以减少BP算法的学习时间,提高故障模式识别率。
- Their narrow specializations had advantages in that they offered in-depth training , reducing the need for on-the-job training and thereby lowering learning time and costs. 鉴于这些学校开设的课程具有专业性强的优势,用人单位就基本不需要再对这些学校毕业的学生进行在职培训,替其省去了时间节约了成本,因此这些学校毕业的学生也非常受欢迎。
- He learned timely to beg that could not say "Nay". 学会在适当的时候向人请求,就不会被拒绝。
- Though utilitarian motivation can promote learning in certain circumstances, it cannot be enduring or help form a positive learning attitude. 虽然功利性的学习动机能在特定的情景中促进学生的学习,但它很难成为持久的学习动力,也难以使学生形成积极的学习态度。
- Today, many schools across the Washington area are changing the rules again, saying they can't afford to let wayward students waste any learning time, given tougher academic standards and the new focus on standardized test performances. 如今,华盛顿地区的许多学校又在对这种规则进行修改。 他们说,考虑到学生们将面临更为严格的学术标准以及统一考试成绩方面的新重点,他们不能再让任性的学生浪费任何时间了。
- The warm-up activity will energise everybody, bringing us all into the correct positive learning mind-set which we believe is to be having fun. 自我介绍,让大家认识一下吧!轻松快乐的“热身运动”让你“热”起来!
- The algorithm is applied to XOR problem and nonlinear function approximation. Simulation results show that the chaos-BP algorithm needs shorter learning time than that of the standard BP and fast BP. 采用混合算法对XOR问题和非线性函数进行仿真;结果表明该算法明显优于标准BP算法和快速BP算法.
- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- The girl is quite suited for the position [work]. 这姑娘很适合担任这个职务[这个工作]。
- I can live in clover when I get that position. 我得到那个职位便可过上优裕的生活。
- Everything leans his power not merely, learn timely support another person, be a kind abasement, more a kind clever. 凡事不只靠自己的力量,学会适时的依靠他人,是一种谦卑,更是一种聪明。
- He bribes his leader to consolidate his position. 他贿赂他的领导来巩固他的地位。
- He took up a radical position on this issue. 他对这个问题抱着激进的态度。