- The doors open to us also pose challenges. 机会之门在我们面前敞开,挑战也随之而来。
- He warned that the flood of unemployed migrants would pose challenges to social stability in the countryside. 他警告称,大批失业农民工的出现将对农村的社会稳定构成挑战。
- The reforms will also pose challenges for shareholders.The capital markets require good governance on both sides. 改革也将给股东带来挑战。资本市场要求两个方面都受到良好治理。
- This album will definitely pose challenges to some of you, the listener, as it is “heavier” and raver in every aspect than my previous works. 这张专辑对你们其中一些聆听者来说绝对是个挑战,因为从任何方面来看,它都比我以前的作品更加“沉重”且赤裸。
- China Market Offers Major Opportunities, Poses Challenges. 中国市场提供了较多的机遇与挑战。
- Gender analysis enlightens and also poses challenges to legal research. 社会性别的分析方法对于法学研究而言,极具启示性与颠覆性。
- While the new economy holds promises of new opportunities, it also poses challenges for the workforce. 新经济虽然能为香港开拓无限商机,但亦为工作人口带来很大挑战。
- While the new economy holds promises of new opportunities,it also poses challenges for the workforce. 新经济虽然能为香港开拓无限商机,但亦为工作人口带来很大挑战。
- Modern inter-firm cooperation paradigm poses challenges to the existing market structure measurement system. 现代企业合作范式对现有的市场结构衡量体系提出了桃战。
- While the dualistic structure,where "danger" and "opportunity" coexist,poses challenges for the transformation and innovation of organizations,it. 但是,危机中的“危险”与“机遇”并存的二元结构性特征对组织变革创新提出挑战的同时,也为之提供了契机。
- It seems that CLT is easy to handle in that the activities are mostly student-oriented, but in fact it has posed challenges for teachers. 从表面上看,采用交际教学法的教师在课堂上比较轻松,因为教师不用满堂灌,大部分时间是学生之间在进行活动。
- Consociational Democracy has some main flaws which affected people"s confidence for this theory, which posed challenges to Lijphart. 结盟民主理论存在着一些重要的缺陷,在很大程度上影响了人们对结盟民主的信心,是利普哈特不得不应对的挑战。
- His concern for the poor is only a pose. 他对穷人的关心只不过是做做样子罢了。
- The damage risk of shipboard equipments subjected to the impulsive loads poses challenges to the combat capability of naval ships. 舰载设备的抗冲击能力对提高舰船战斗力和生命力有十分重要的意义。
- In making software products, internationalization and localization pose challenging tasks for developers, particularly if the software is not designed from the beginning with these concerns in mind. 开发软件时,国际化和本地化对开发者是一个有挑战性的任务,特别是当软件当初设计时没有考虑这个问题时。
- While providing convenient conditions for governmental open information, the application of network and computer technology also poses challenges to information security. 网络和计算机技术的应用,既为政府信息公开提供了便利条件,也对信息安全提出挑战。
- His concern for the poor is a mere pose. 他关心穷人只是故作姿态罢了。
- "Hold that pose," said the photographer. "保持那个姿势别动,"摄影师说。
- He had to pose wearing a laurel wreath. 他得摆好戴著月桂花冠的姿势。
- A few nuts pose unique challenges. 有几种坚果的状况比较特殊。