- C Do not send object files to the linkage editor. 不将目标文件送到连接编辑器中?
- Combining object modules to form a load module is the job of the linkage editor or loader. 把一些目标模块组成一个装配模块是联接编辑程序模块或装入程序模块的任务。
- A term sometimes applied to the function of a linkage editor or linkage loader in combining two or more modules of code to produce a single load module. 有时用于说明连接编辑程序或连接装入程序的功能的一种术语。这种功能可把两个或多个代码模块组合在一起以产生一个单一的装入模块。
- A program unit that is discrete and identifiable with respect to compiling, combining with other units, and loading, e.g., the input to, or output from, an assembler, compiler, linkage editor, or executive routine. 一种独立且可以标识的程序单元,可以单独编译,可与其它程序单元组合并装入计算机内存之中。如,汇编程序、编译程序、连接编辑程序或执行例行程序的输入或输出。
- Bob tuned in his portable radio to a record show. 鲍伯收听手提收音机的唱片广播。
- Completely portable and very light weight. 便携式的,而且重量很轻。
- Portable telephones are very popular nowadays. 现今,移动电话非常普及。
- , the input to, or output from, an assembler, compiler, linkage editor, or executive routine. 如,汇编程序、编译程序、连接编辑程序或执行例行程序的输入或输出。
- He found that little TV extremely portable. 他觉得那台小小的电视机携带极其方便。
- I bought my son a portable typewriter. 我给儿子买了一台手提式打字机。
- The editor has read over the manuscript. 编辑已审阅过这篇稿件。
- The document had been typed on a small portable. 这份文件是用便携式打字机打的。
- The editor over looked a print error. 这位编辑漏掉了一个印刷错误。
- The editor remarked that article was well written. 编者评论说那篇文章写得很好。
- The editor struck out the whole paragraph. 编辑把整段全删掉了。
- The new portable computers are going like hot cakes. 新的便携式计算机卖得很快。
- The editor of the newspaper is a smart young man. 这份报纸的编辑是一个聪慧的年轻人。
- We were entertained at the editor's expense. 由编辑付钱招待我们。
- She traded her roller-skates for Billy's portable radio. 她拿旱冰鞋换了比利的手提收音机。
- The editor agreed to reprint your article in the next issue. 编辑同意将你的文章重刊在下一期上。