- This port is labeled user data on the rear panel of the unit. 在部件板后面的这个端口被标上UserData。
- port user data 端口用户数据
- Has no system data access or user data access. 没有系统数据访问或用户数据访问。
- Number of bytes to be reserved for user data. 为用户数据保留的字节数。
- The method or function does not access user data. 该方法或函数不访问用户数据。
- That is typical usage for an application, but not for user data. 那是程序的典型用法,但是对于用户数据来说不是这样的。
- Be wary of late binding to a name that includes some user data. 在后期绑定到包含某些用户数据的名称时要多加小心。
- These data sets are usually used to store user data. 通常用来存储用户数据。
- Is the name of the profile you want to copy user data from. 是您要从中复制用户数据的配置文件的名称。
- They also catch malicious code masquerading as user data. 它们也捕捉伪装成用户数据 的恶意代码。
- Control uses steps to delineate different sections of user data input. 控件使用多个步骤来描绘用户数据输入的不同部分。
- If the administrator enables subject line logging, user data may be exposed. 如果管理员启用主题行日志记录,则可能暴露用户数据。
- Number of bytes of user data to skip before starting the check data interleave. 在开始检查数据交替前,要忽略的用户数据字节数。
- It advises the Director of Marine on all matters concerning pilotage services and operations. The committee membership covers a wide spectrum of port users and shipping interests. 领港事务咨询委员会就所有关于领航服务和运作的事宜向海事处处长提供意见,成员包括港口使用者和航运界的广泛代表。
- He achieves this through the assistance of the Pilotage Advisory Committee, the membership of which covers a wide spectrum of port users and shipping interests. 领港事务谘询委员会的成员包括港口使用者和航运界的广泛代表。
- He achieves this through the assistance of the Pilotage Advisory Committee,the membership of which covers a wide spectrum of port users and shipping interests. 领港事务谘询委员会的成员包括港口使用者和航运界的广泛代表。
- FISUs carry no user data,but can be used to maintain link integrity and acknowledge MSUs. FISU 不传送任何用户数据,而是用于维护链路的完整性和确认 MSU 的。
- "Number of bytes of user data to skip before starting the check data interleave. "在开始检查数据交替前,要忽略的用户数据字节数。
- Do not display computer data in the snap-in. This option allows you to view only user data. 不在管理单元中显示计算机数据。此选项仅允许您查看用户数据。
- Do not display user data in the snap-in. This option allows you to view only computer data. 不要在管理单元中显示用户数据。此选项仅允许您查看计算机数据。