- port call processing 端口调用处理, 端口呼叫处理
- Week numbers indicate departure of the last outbound port call. 周数以最后挂靠大中华区港口离港日为准。
- The RCS handles OA&M functions and call processing for Flexent Microcells. 该 RCS 将处理 Flexent 微小区的 OA&M 功能和呼叫处理。
- The RCS handles OA &M functions and call processing for Flexent Microcells. 该 RCS 将处理 Flexent 微小区的 OA &M 功能和呼叫处理。
- The submarine, which was en route to a port call in Australia, surfaced in the Pacific Ocean after the accident and returned to Guam on its own power. 旧金山号当时正在前往一个澳大利亚港口的途中。事故发生后,这艘潜艇浮出太平洋,然后依靠自身动力回到关岛。
- Liberty Sun said they are gone continue to its original port call in Mombasa Kenya. 自由太阳号表示将继续前往肯尼亚蒙巴萨岛的出发港停泊。”
- USS cruiser Cowpens and frigate Vandegrist are now in China's Zhanjiangfor a port call. 当前,和平与发展是大势所趋势,人心所向,但动荡因素还很多。
- By optimizing the logistics flow through the terminal from the gate to the vessel, the port is able to keep the port call as short as possible. 通过优化从出入口到船舶的码头物流流程,港口能够使船舶停靠时间尽可能缩短。
- For more information about Unified Messaging message flow, see Overview of the Unified Messaging Call Processing. 有关统一消息的邮件流的详细信息,请参阅统一消息呼叫处理概述。
- Two issues dominated Keating's news conference - Taiwan, and China's decision in November to deny a Hong Kong port call by a U.S. carrier group. 在基廷的记者会上占主导地位的两大问题分别是台湾问题和中国去年11月拒绝美国航空母舰编队停靠香港的事情。
- For more information about Play on Phone message flow see, Unified Messaging Play on Phone Call Processing. 有关在电话上播放邮件流的详细信息,请参阅统一消息电话播放呼叫处理。
- Do not rely on the calling process to provide safe data. 不要依赖于调用进程来提供安全的数据。
- My husband comes from a fishing port called Ta ao. on the coast of the Pacific. 我丈夫来自一个叫大澳的渔港,这渔港临太平洋。
- We compare SCML to the Call Processing Language (CPL) defined by the IETF and note that SCML offers several advantages. 对比了SCML与由IETF所定义的CPL(CallProcessingLanguage)功能和要求,并发现SCML的一些优势。
- For more information about Unified Messaging message flow and routing, see Overview of the Unified Messaging Call Processing. 有关统一消息流和路由的详细信息,请参阅统一消息呼叫处理概述。
- For more information about Unified Messaging Play on Phone message flow, see Unified Messaging Play on Phone Call Processing. 有关统一消息的电话播放邮件流的详细信息,请参阅统一消息电话播放呼叫处理。
- The status parameter lets you stop call processing so that the Unified Messaging server can be taken offline in a controlled way. 状态参数允许您停止处理呼叫,以便统一消息服务器可以采用可控方式脱机。
- High availability FSM package encapsulates HA state management, data synchronization and consistency check function for all call processing modules. 高可用状态机包封装了应用层模块的高可用状态管理、数据同步和一致性检验功能;
- The calling process can then replace the order for the quantity on hand. 然后调用进程可以针对现有的数量重新下订单。
- Indicates whether the new process inherits handles from the calling process. 指定新的进程是否可以从调用进程继承句柄。