- Gets or sets the port number of the endpoint. 获取或设置终结点的端口号。
- Objects, the port number is required. 对象,端口号就是必需的。
- Show port module number port number. 可以查看某个模块上某个端口的信息。
- Displays the news server name and port number. 显示新闻服务器名称和端口号。
- In the Port number box, type the port number. 在“端口号”框中,键入端口号。
- The port number can be changed if needed. 如果需要,可以更改端口号。
- The port number of the Jabber server. Jabber服务器的端口号。
- The default port number is 11004. 默认端口号是11004。
- Note By default, the SMTP port number is 25. 注意:默认情况下,SMTP端口号为25。
- UDP port number is a positive integer value. 我们知道UDP端口号被定义为一个正整数。
- If your printer is XPT, port number is necessary. 如果您的打印机是XPT ,端口号是必要的。
- Each TCP session has a destination port number in the TCP header. 每个TCP会话在TCP报头中有一目的端口号。
- This is done by assigning a port number to every TCP connection. 这是通过为每个tcp连接分配一个端口号实现的。
- The port number of the FTP service for the Distributor. 分发服务器的FTP服务的端口号。
- The port number of the remote host to which you intend to connect. 要连接到的远程主机的端口号。
- The destination is specified by the host name and port number. 目标由主机名和端口号指定。
- The error log contains the port number the DAC is listening on. 错误日志包含所侦听的DAC所在的端口号。
- Check that the port numbers are correct. 检查端口号是否正确。
- The server port number on which the request was received. 收到请求的服务器端口号。
- What is the purpose of TCP/UDP port numbers? 传输控制协议/UDP港口数字的目的是什么?