- However, the dry bulk market and signs of warmer, the port cargo throughput monthly positive growth there. 不过,由于干散货市场出现回暖迹象,港口货物吞吐量出现月度正增长。
- Note : Figures in brackets refer to percentage distribution of port cargo throughput by country/territory. 註釋:括號內數字指按國家/地區劃分的港口貨物吞吐量的百分比分布。
- Note : Figures in brackets refer to percentage distribution of port cargo throughput by shipment type. 註釋:括號內數字指按裝運貨物種類劃分的港口貨物吞吐量的百分比分布。
- Note : Figures in brackets refer to percentage distribution of Hong Kong's port cargo throughput by country/territory. 註釋:括號內數字指按國家/地區劃分的香港的港口貨物吞吐量的百分比分布。
- Note : Figures in brackets refer to percentage distribution of port cargo throughput by cargo handling location. 註釋:括號內數字指按貨物裝卸地點劃分的港口貨物吞吐量的百分比分布。
- port cargo throughput 货物吞吐量
- In 2007, the cargo throughput of Daxie Port hit 40.73 million tons, and that of containers reached about 800,000 TEU. 2007年,大榭港区实现货物吞吐量4073万吨,集装箱约80万TEU。
- Waterborne economic norms continues refresh, port's cargo throughput of volume of canalage goods volume, goods, haven maintain rapid growth. 水运经济指标继续刷新,水路货运量、货物周转量、港口货物吞吐量等保持快速增长。
- In terms of international air cargo throughput, Hong Kong leads the world. 在空运方面,香港的国际货运量,居全球首位。
- In 1997, the port completed cargo throughput of 6.5 million tons, increasing 28% compared with the previous year. Among this, southwest provinces and cities' goods and materials imports and exports increased nearly once over. 一九九七年港口完成货物吞吐量六百五十万吨,比上年增加百分之二十八,其中西南各省市的进出口物资增长近一倍。
- As the sustained rapid economic development in Huangyan region is becoming more and more relied on Huangyan Port, a great increase in the Port's cargo throughput volume is to be anticipated. 随着黄岩区域经济持续快速发展对港口依存度的提高,港区货物吞吐量将有较大的增长。
- The PDB's Port Cargo Forecasts are the basis of the government's Port Development Plan and Programme. 港口发展局的港口货运量增长预测,是政府港口发展计划的依据。
- The timing for building the new terminals on Lantau will be determined after the updating of the Port Cargo Forecasts in early 1998. 至于兴建新码头的确实时间,则有待一九九八年初作出最新的港口货运量增长预测后才决定。
- In line with international trend, the industry is expected to continue its outstanding performance in the future and contribute a much larger share of total air cargo throughput. 按照国际发展趋势,预料业界今后继续会有出色表现,占空运货量的比重将进一步上升。
- It is reported from MOC: the harbor cargo throughput and containers throughput of Chinese has situated at first in the world continuously for three years. 记者从交通部获悉:我国港口货物吞吐量和集装箱吞吐量连续三年稳居世界第一,"十一五"期间沿海港口吞吐能力将近翻一番。
- Note: ## The cargo throughput of PCWAs in 2000 are estimated based on a new method. Therefore, the figures for 2000 are not directly comparable to those for the earlier years. 註釋:%23%232000年度的公眾貨物裝卸地區貨物吞吐量是根據新的方法估計。因此,2000年的數字不能與較早年份的數字作直接比較。
- About development and administration of port, the PMB secretariat, statistics on port traffic and port cargo forecasts etc. , 关于港口发展史、事务管理、中心地位、经营模式、运输趋势和港口事务管理等资讯等。
- Note : Figures in brackets refer to percentage distribution of the port cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China by place. 註釋:括號內数字指按地方劃分的香港和中國內地之間的港口貨運量的百分比分布。
- Yingkou Port of the line is the only contact with the outside world and the railway crossing, and took up 40% of Yingkou Port -50% of port cargo traffic. 该线是营口港与外界联系的唯一铁路通道,承担了营口港40%25-50%25的疏港货物运量。
- The latest Port Cargo Forecasts predicted that by 2016 there would be a demand for Hong Kong to handle 33 million TEUs a year. This is equivalent to handling 63 TEUs every minute of every hour of every day. 最新一次发表的港口货运量增长预测显示,到二零一六年,本港每年须处理3300万个标准货柜单位,即假如全年每天24小时不停运作,每分钟须处理63个标准货柜单位。