- During 1997,501 port state control inspections were conducted on foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九七年内,海事处对抵港的外来商船所进行的港口国监督检查,共达501次。
- During 1998,816 port state control inspections were conducted on the foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九八年内,海事处对抵港的外来商船所进行的港口国监督检查,共达816次。
- During 1997, 501 port state control inspections were conducted on foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九七年内,海事处对抵港的外来商船所进行的港口国监督检查,共达501次。
- During 1998, 816 port state control inspections were conducted on the foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九八年内,海事处对抵港的外来商船所进行的港口国监督检查,共达816次。
- PSC inspection stands for Port State Control Inspection. I have the experience of PSC. But no deficiency has been found. 检查表示港口国检查。我经历过。
- On the other hand, the Port State Control detention rates for the Hong Kong registered ships remain well below the world averages. 另一方面,香港注册船只的港口国监督滞留率亦远低于世界平均比率的水平。
- This article also analyses the execution of the regulation, describes the statistics of the regional GMDSS Port State Control (PSC) inspection. 本文较全面地分析了中国的GMDSS立法情况及执法状况。
- The defect source of actual system can be accurately judged by constructing the system defect judgment matrix and combining with PLC port state. 该方法通过构造系统的故障判别矩阵,并结合端口的状态,通过运算可以准确地判别系统的故障源。
- It has a long name: the Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. 这份条约的名字很长:关于港口国家防止,抑制和消除非法、未报告和无管制捕捞措施的条约。
- It has a long name: the agreement Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishingFishing. 它有一个很长的名字叫做州立港口组织为阻止,制止和消除非法,不报告的,无规律性捕鱼协议。
- "The scheme serves as a guide and sets a minimum standard for countries which wish to develop new port state controls or strengthen those already on the books," says Swan. “该计划作为一项指南,为希望制定新的港口国管制规则或加强已有的明文规定的各国确定了最低标准,”斯旺说。
- The port Authorities all over the world have established Port State Control systems and enhanced the inspections at the Port in order to avoid substandard ships. 为了避免低于法定标准船舶的营运,世界所有的港口当局已经建立了港口国控制系统,并加强了在本国港口的检查。
- The negotiations involve what are known as port state measures.Under the proposed agreement, fishing boats would be directed to a landing port specially equipped for inspections. 谈判中涉及所谓的港口国措施,在被提议的协议下,捕鱼船将直接驶往靠岸的码头,该码头上装有专门的检查设备。
- Chang, Chih-Ching, 2001, A Study on Taiwan's Port State Control Implementation Regulations, Proceeding of The International Seminar on Global Transportation Network, Keelung, pp. 31-40. 张志清;2001;我国海商法新规定与海事仲裁之关系;海事仲裁研讨会(论文集);中华民国仲裁协会;台北市.
- Port state controls include measures such as running background checks on boats prior to granting docking privileges and undertaking inspections in port to check documentation, cargos and equipment. 港口国的控管工作包括,在准许船只靠岸前,先检查船只的身分背景,以及在港口进行文件、货物及设备的检查。
- Our ship left port and headed out to sea. 我们的船离开港口向大海驶去。
- The lights in the harbour guided the ship to port. 海港的灯引导船只进入港口。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。
- We went ashore when the boat reached the port. 船一靠港我们就上岸了。
- The port of Dover is England's gateway to Europe. 多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。