- History and features of Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain in Song Dynasty 论宋代景德镇青白瓷的历史分期及其特征
- Refined and Popular Tastes of Jingdezhen Blue and White Porcelain in Song Dynasty 论宋代景德镇青白瓷的雅、俗审美两极
- Jiao Zhi, which is called Annam in Song Dynasty. 安南,即古交趾,宋朝时始称安南。
- LIU Fang was famous pediatrist in Song dynasty. 刘昉为宋代著名的儿科学家。
- porcelain in Song Dynasty 宋代瓷器
- Why Was It Hard for Mid-High Women to Marry in Song Dynasty? 宋代中上层女子为何难嫁?
- The white porcelain printing of Ding Kiln in Song Dynasty referenced the locally popular Gesi, which formed a unique style. 宋代定窑白瓷印花借鉴当地盛行的缂丝,形成了独特的风格。
- This kind of porcelain craft that is the same in nature from inside and outside, has achieved a quite high level in Song Dynasty. 这种本质内外变化如一的制瓷工艺,发展到宋代时已达到相当高的水平。
- Porcelain's making in Song Dynasty was a period of prosperity in Chinese history.These porcelain s ornamentations and sculpts had their own styles. 摘要宋代是我国制瓷业的一个繁荣时期,瓷器的纹饰和造型不同于前代,在前朝的基础上有了很大的发展与创新,形成了它独有的风格。
- Among the poets in Song Dynasty, Su Shi is the highest in poetic achievement. 摘要宋代诗人中,成就最高的当属苏轼。
- In Song Dynasty,people failed in trying to forbid the custom of cremate. 宋代火葬习俗屡禁不止,火葬与反火葬之争其实质是挑战与维护“华夷之辨”观念的一个缩影。
- The control of emperor's power to judicatory is very tight in Song dynasty. 摘要宋代皇权对司法的控制非常严密。
- Finally we can attain the target of understanding the characters of the techniques of producing porcelain in Tang and Song dynasties in Sichuan basin and exploring the origin and development. 最后从窑炉、窑具两方面对四川盆地唐宋时期制瓷工艺技术的源流进行了考证,从而认识了四川盆地唐宋时期制瓷工艺的整体特征和技术来源及其传播方向。
- The Sus' literature family which regards Su Shi as a representative has certain representativeness in Song dynasty. 摘要以苏轼为代表的苏氏文学家庭,在宋代具有一定的代表性。
- As a result of the joint influence of Confucianism and cremate ideas of Buddhism and minority in Song Dynasty,the challenge side won the debate. 这是作为“华夷之辨”观念维护者的宋代儒家学说影响力式微,而作为挑战一方的佛教和少数民族丧葬观念强势影响中原文化,以及宋代特殊的时代特征交织作用的结果。
- Zhang zai reconstructs Confucianism values from the vision of neo-Confucianism in Song dynasty. 摘要张载以独特的理学视角,对儒学价值观进行了重构。
- It has presented its unique art elegant demeanour in image of Buddha carving aspect in Song Dynasty. 在佛像雕刻方面宋代呈现了它独特的艺术风采。
- The people in Song Dynasty introduced void from Li's flowing grace and then belittled Li.This is un fair. 而宋人由“飘逸”引出李诗之“虚”进而加以贬抑,是有失公允的。
- Is halbert made in Sui Tang period?It is rare in Ming Qing dynasty,but it doesn't appear in Song dynasty. 是不是隋唐时期形制的戟啊?明清时期很少这样的,宋也没有。
- Guo Moruo considered that it was printed in Song dynasty, but his evidence is fallibility. 郭沫若认为该书是“辽人著书入金翻刻,金本入宋再被翻刻”,其所依据的宋讳、辽讳、金讳并不可靠;