- Relative overpopulation in the broad sense includes not only the population surplus compared with means of subsistence and production but also the surplus compared with resources and environment. 广义相对人口过剩不仅包括人口相对于生活资料或(和)生产资料的过剩,而且还包括人口相对于资源环境的过剩。
- Traditionally, relative overpopulation refers to population surplus compared with the means of subsistence and production, which can be labeled as relative overpopulation in a narrow sense. 传统意义上的相对人口过剩是指人口相对于生活资料或(和)生产资料的过剩,这种理论可以概括称之为狭义相对人口过剩论。
- I find a surplus store and buy a pocket calculator. 我找到一家出售剩余物品的商店,买了一台袖珍计算机。
- We are giving away all our surplus apples. 我们准备把多余的苹果全部送人。
- Surplus wheat is put in storage and shipped abroad. 剩余的小麦被储存起来运到海外。
- That country has a large surplus of food. 那个国家有很多剩余食粮。
- This city has a population of more than 1,000,000. 这个城市人口超过一百万。
- They have squirreled away surplus grain. 他们已把余粮贮存起来。
- Mexico has a large surplus of oil. 墨西哥有大量过剩的石油。
- We have a trade surplus of 400 million. 我们有 4 亿英镑的贸易顺差。
- Brazil has a big surplus of coffee. 巴西有很多剩余咖啡。
- A desert has no settled population. 沙漠没有固定的居民。
- There was a steady increase in population. 人口在不断增长中。
- What is the population of this country? 这个国家的人口是多少?
- Disease has decimated the population. 疾病使大部分人死亡。
- The population of the island has sunk from100 to20. 这个岛上的人口从容不100人减少到了20人。
- What is the population of Ireland? 爱尔兰人口有多少?
- There was a swell in the city's population. 该市出现过人口膨胀。
- In ten years the city's population expanded by 12%. 十年之中,该城人口增加了百分之十二。
- They dump their surplus production on foreign countries. 他们向外国倾销剩余产品。