- We cannot accept or reject a hypothesis about a population parameter simply by intuition. 我们不能只凭感觉简单地决定接受或拒绝总体参数的某种假设。
- In statistics, a confidence interval (CI) is an interval estimate of a population parameter. 在统计学里,置信区间指的是对于某一群体参数的区间估计。
- A population parameter is a constant, unchanging value estimated from a sample statistic. 母体参数是一个持续不变的由统计样本推算出的值。
- Methods Sampling weights were used as adjustments,and the Taylor series linearization technique was used to estimate the population parameter and associated variances. 方法 用抽样权重作为调整值 ,采用Taylor级数线性化技术估计总体参数及相应的方差。
- Idea: We cannot measure the closeness of the estimates with the population parameter directly, but it is possible to use data from a random sample to construct a set of values that contains the true value with a certain specified probability. 我们无法直接衡量估计值和总体参数之间的距离,但是利用来自随机样本的数据构造一个取值的集合,使得真值在给定概率下属于这个集合是可能的。
- Fig. 1. Relationship between population parameters and female wasp density of Hemiptarsenus varicornis. 图异角釉小蜂族群介量与雌蜂密度之关系.
- Fig. 2. Relationship between population parameters and female wasp density of Neochrysocharis formosa. 图华釉小蜂族群介量与雌蜂密度之关系.
- Design optimization of population parameters of APFSDS is an example of multi-objective decision optimization. 尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹总体参数优化设计是一个多目标决策的最优化设计问题。
- Application of this optimization method to the design optimization of population parameters of an individual APFSDS yielded very satisfactory results. 将这种优化设计方法应用于实际研制的尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹总体参数优化设计中,获得了令人满意的结果。
- This city has a population of more than 1,000,000. 这个城市人口超过一百万。
- A desert has no settled population. 沙漠没有固定的居民。
- There was a steady increase in population. 人口在不断增长中。
- What is the population of this country? 这个国家的人口是多少?
- Disease has decimated the population. 疾病使大部分人死亡。
- The population of the island has sunk from100 to20. 这个岛上的人口从容不100人减少到了20人。
- What is the population of Ireland? 爱尔兰人口有多少?
- There was a swell in the city's population. 该市出现过人口膨胀。
- In ten years the city's population expanded by 12%. 十年之中,该城人口增加了百分之十二。
- Spend by each department have to fall within certain parameter. 每个部门的开支必须属于确定的系数之内。
- The population of this country rose by 10 percent. 这个国家的人口增长了百分之十。